After a night sleep N.R

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Natasha POV
"Bruce said that there aren't enough beds in the compound." Steve relayed the information to me while I continued placing pressure on Y/N's wound. She got shot during the mission, it must have nicked her artery as blood was pouring out of her. I've changed the cloth multiple times and they were all dripping red.

"What do you mean not enough beds?"

"Every bed is being used. There are lots of teams going on missions these few days, a lot of them came back hurt." Steve explained what Bruce told him over the phone.

"Well, Y/N is going to die if we don't do anything!" I exasperated.

By asking Steve to call the compound ahead of time while we were flying back on the quinjet, I was hoping to be able to get her to surgery as soon as possible. I rack my brain thinking of another option, not wanting to have a dead body next to me.

"There's no choice, tell Bruce to get the medical supplies ready in my room. He's gonna have to do it there." Steve nodded and left to call.

"Come on... you can't die on me yet." I mumbled, changing the cloth that was once again soaked with her blood.

Steve carried her to my room and Bruce was already there waiting with the spare medical team he could find.

"This looks nasty." Bruce commented when he saw Y/N's wound.

I looked at Y/N as the medic surrounded her, passing Bruce the medical equipment and sewing her up.

I didn't bring Y/N to her room because I wasn't sure if she liked other people entering her room without her permission.  Apart from the first day she was here, no one has seen what her room looks like. It wasn't as if she wasn't socialising, there just wasn't any reason to enter.

"I sent someone down to get a blood bag for her, she looks like she has lost quite a lot. Just let her rest until she wakes up." Bruce said as he wrapped up the surgery. "She should wake up in  a day or two." He connected the blood bag with Y/N's IV drip before leaving the room.

"Steve, can you help?" I motioned for Steve to come over and instructed him to lift Y/N up carefully to pull out the bloodied sheet from underneath her. It wouldn't be good to sleep on a stained sheet.

I took this opportunity to cover her as she was just laying on top of the duvet earlier, not really having the time to fuss.

"Thanks Steve."

"No worries. Just let me know if you need any help."

I stayed awake throughout the night, making sure everything was connected properly and wasn't hurting her or anything.

The next morning, Y/N was still unconscious but the blood bag was already empty. I removed the tube connected to the blood bag before checking on her again. Since this isn't the ward, there weren't any monitors or anything, just the IV drip.

I saw her fingers move slightly on the corner of her eyes and sprung up to check in on her. "Y/N? Can you hear me?" I tried speaking to her in hopes of waking her up. She started stirring a lot more so I knew she was more or less conscious, I talked to her again hoping to give her the final push.

Finally, for what seemed like an impossible task for her, she opened her eyes and took in her surroundings.

"You're finally awake!"

"Who are you? Where am I? Why am I hurt?" Y/N said as she looked around before feeling the pain from her abdomen.

What? I was pretty sure Y/N didn't hit her head anywhere. Was she injured before she got shot? How can she not remember anything? Surely she's not lying about this right?

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon