Now I know pt2 N.R

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Your POV
"Mum? Is that you? What are we going to do?" I questioned her, fear etched in my voice.

"Not now. Let's talk in the office." She dragged me in.

"How in the world did this happen?" I asked her. What was going to be in store for us? How are we going to get back?

Mum pulled all the blinds to give us some privacy before coming to me. Surely a lot was going through her mind right now but she was only focusing on me. "Just be a badass and head into Fury's office to apply for leave and head the fuck out. I don't want you to risk doing anything." She held my shoulders, looked me seriously in the eye and spoke seriously to me. This was the most serious I have seen her talking to me.

"What about school?" While I was glad I didn't have to go to school, I wasn't sure if I could handle this.

"You think I can't handle school?" She scoffed and raised an eyebrow.

"No! That is not what I meant! I-" Before I could finish my sentence, Culson came back interrupting our moment.

"Fury would like you to be there now." He said, rushing us.

"I got it." Mum said in habit.

"I was talking to Agent Romanoff." He was confused as to why 'I' replied to him.

"Yup, I'll be there." I said quickly to resolve the situation.

Natasha POV
Y/N may be my daughter, but I couldn't trust her to do what she needed in this serious time but I needed to settle my side too. So I'm just going to have to put my hopes in her and believe that she'll do what I said.

I went to her room and got her bag with all her homework. This was the only time I was glad that I had a messy daughter and I had to clean her room regularly so I knew where she kept her things.

I made it to her school just in time after running all the way but I didn't know where her classroom was since I've never been to any parent-teacher session. Once the bell rang, students started heading to their respective classroom leaving me alone in the hall. A teacher ended up calling her name and I spun around to see a female teacher walking towards me.

"Why are you still standing in the hall? You should be in class!" She started walking towards me in big strides.

"I have no idea where my class is." I just straight up told her without hesitation as if I wasn't already a student here for more than a year.

"Stop lying if you're late. You're just standing right outside the door." She started shoving me into the door which swung open to a class looking at me. They didn't even say anything so I just walked to the empty seat I could find assuming it was my daughter's.

I was hoping that I could use this time to relax but I didn't want to be the reason for giving my daughter a bad conduct grade so I just acted as if I was paying attention.

"Romanoff! Mind telling us the answer to this question?" I was wondering why they were calling me until I realised my daughter shares the same last name as me.

I stood up looking at the board trying to figure out the answer when one student spoke up. "Miss Von, she can't even answer elementary school questions, I don't think she'll be able to work this out." The class started laughing and even the teacher was trying to stop her giggling, badly.

"(answer)." I said before sitting down. I don't understand what he was saying. Sure, I didn't meddle as much as a normal parent would in her child's studies but I was sure she wasn't failing her class. I didn't need her to ace her examination, so long as she passes them and does average, it's fine to me.

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