Never would I think S.J

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Over the years, there have been news about parents murdering their own child and it was so popular that directors are producing movies and drama based on real life events. I thought there would be no chance that I would fall into such a thing. Our family may not be very rich, but we were comfortable. We didn't spend on lavish items but we could occasionally splurge on food, buying some interesting snacks that we didn't see before or going to some extravagant cafes.

That was until my father died due to some diseases, and our main source of income was suddenly cut off. My mother was working but it was just for her to pass time and it wasn't a lot. Suddenly it wasn't enough even though it was only for the both of us.

We had to save up on everything and even sold away our car just to make sure there's a roof above our head. There were other things we could have sold, but never would I have thought that she would use such a method to gain money.

"You're going to school today right?" I nodded my head. "Alright have fun."

I was still able to go to school as I was on scholarship, as long as I can manage my grades, I would still be able to go to school. It was the only thing I didn't have to worry much about. I have been taking up some part time job at the shops and the owner was kind enough to give me a muffin each time I went so I didn't have to spend on dinner.

Never would I have thought my own mother would try to kill me to get insurance money. She even made it look like an accident so she could receive the insurance pay out.

I felt so betrayed when I felt my mother's hands on my body as she pushed me in front of an incoming car in a crowded crossroad. I was able to see in slow motion. Everyone's eyes were on me as I had no control of my limbs in mid-air but my eyes were on the woman who was turning her back on me.

Fortunately, someone's response was quick enough and had managed to pull me away in time before the car hit. I don't know which was more shocking. Almost dying or my mother pushing me to die. We weren't in a bad relationship, if anything, I thought we saw each other as friends.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you rush out. Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" The voice of a lady brought me out of my trance. I shook my head, only now feeling the cold hard floor I was sitting on. "I don't think anyone saw the person who pushed you. But we could go to the police to check things out." She suggested.

The moment I heard the word police I shook my head. There was no need to make it such a big deal when no harm was done, other than my heart. "Okay, if you really don't wish to go to the police, at least let me bring you to the hospital, make sure you're not hurt."

I reluctantly agreed as she didn't seem to back down. Come to think of it, there was hardly anyone left at the train station as they boarded the train. This is how life goes. People's lives are happening around you but all of them are too busy to slow down and take a break.

On the way to the hospital in her car, I realised I didn't get the name of the lady but it was kinda awkward to ask for her name now. I looked out of the window during the whole journey, trying to keep my eyes wandering around, not wanting to look like I was prying. I don't even know who she was. Was she the one who saved me or the one who almost knocked me with her car?

We arrived at the hospital and she did the paperwork as we waited for our turn in the waiting area. I thought this was the perfect time to ask for her name as we sat in silence. "I never got your name earlier. My name is Y/N." I introduced myself.

"Oh! I can't believe I forgot about that." She lightly smacked her forehead. "I'm Scarlett, sorry for almost hitting you with my car."

I shook my head as I remembered the cause of it. "It's not your fault. I should have been more careful."

Soon, our number was called and we went into the doctor's office as he checked on me. "You have a light scraped on your elbow, but other than that there seemed to be no major injuries." He informed me before taking a bandaid from his drawer and disinfectant and spraying it on me, making sure it's dry before placing the bandaid over.

"Thank you."


"Where's your house, I can send you home." She offered once we stepped out of the hospital but I shook my head. I'm not too sure if I want to return back to the house. I know for sure she knows that I know. As much as she's my mother and I don't want her to go to jail for this, I don't feel safe with her anymore. But I'm not exactly an orphan, so where can I go? Do orphanages accept walk-ins?

"Y/N, are you okay?" Scarlett waved her hand in front of me.

"She's the one." I muttered.

"Sorry? I didn't catch that."

"My mother was the one who pushed me onto the road." I said it much clearer this time.

"There's no way..." I let out a sigh, I'm really stranded outside. "If you don't mind, you can come over to my house for a moment and we'll see what options we have."

"Okay..." I nodded my head.

"Just a heads up, I have a daughter she can be quite noisy at times." I smile a bit before following her back to her car.

Once we reached her house, she let me in first and a kid came running towards the door. "Mummy!" She screamed. I moved away just in time for Scarlett to bend down and pick her up.

"Hi baby, we have a friend here today. Can you say hi?"

"Hi, my name is Rose." She said shyly before hiding her face again.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N."

"Alright, go to your room and play. I'll come find you later." She set the kid down again and she went off running. Kids sure have lots of energy. Scarlett brought me to the living room and offered me a cup of juice which I gratefully accepted. It has been a long day and I'm in need of some liquid to quench my thirst.

Scarlett was a really easy person to open up to. If she didn't say she was an actress, I would have thought she was a therapist of some sort. I suddenly found myself recounting what had happened to me in my recent life and she listened to me attentively, letting me speak.

"Sorry, I have no idea why I'm telling you this." I apologize once I realised I have been rambling and pouring my issue onto her.

"It's no problem at all."

We sat in silence once again and she stood up to check on her daughter since it was too quiet after telling me. I sat there thinking about my future and what I'm supposed to do. I still have school to go to and all my stuff are in my mother's house. No one thinks that, but studying is the easiest thing to do. All I have to focus on is study, get good grades, get my scholarship and everything else can be paid for.

"Hey is everything okay? You've been daydreaming a lot. Did you get any sleep?"

Oh god, this is embarrassing, I have been in my own mind twice in the span of a few hours with her. "Yes, I'm okay."

"I was thinking if you'd like to stay with us until we figure something out? I asked Rose and she's happy to have someone around. My husband doesn't mind it either." She suggested.

"But I don't want to intrude and I may not be that nice of a person to have around." I replied, a bit hesitant at staying in a foreign place.

"I'm offering, you're not intruding. Also, I'm sure you're as bad as you perceive yourself to be." I shook my head, still thinking this is not a good idea. "Come on, since it's Friday, you can take some clothes from my closet and we'll go over to your house tomorrow to collect your stuff while your mum is out?" She further urged me to stay.

I looked her in the eye and nodded. Maybe this could work for the short run.

Written on 23 May 2022
Posted on 20 Sept 2022

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt