I am useless? pt2 S.J

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Scarlett POV
The only place Y/N could go at this time that I could think of is Lizzie's place. I gave her a quick call and she told me that Y/N just appeared in her house. Well, if she's safe at Lizzie's house then I should probably leave her alone. She probably wants some space right now.

The next morning, Y/N appeared in the kitchen and had just finished her breakfast. "Y/N..." She just ignored me and went into Rose room when she woke up. Rose has afternoon class so Y/N was always able to fetch Rose after school.

"Rose, I'll come and pick you up after school okay?"

"Okay!" Rose gave Y/N a kiss on the cheeks. Y/N didn't even spare me a glance as she walked out of the house. I know she's mad at me but how am I supposed to make it up to her if I can't even speak to her.

"Mummy, are you and sis okay?"

"Not the best honey, but I hope we will get better soon. Do you want breakfast now?" I questioned as I carried her down to the kitchen.


Days passed and we haven't even exchanged a single word even though we were in the same house. Whenever I asked her something, she would indirectly tell me by speaking to Rose. Colin tried helping but there was nothing he could do. It was as if she could only see and respond to Rose.

"What am I supposed to do to get her back, Lizzie?" I ran out of options and went to Lizzie for help.

"I don't know. You raised a tight lip daughter. Other than telling me you called her useless, she didn't say anything. She didn't even cry, it seems like she's enjoying her time right now." Lizzie shook her head, unable to provide any help. I sighed, I'm not making any headway at improving our relationship and it has already been almost a week.

"Shouldn't you be making dinner at home during this time?" Lizzie reminded me.

"Oh, that's right. I better get going. See you again, Lizzie." I rushed out of her house. Y/N and Rose were already home and were watching a movie on the couch. I went to the pantry to look for ingredients to cook dinner but there was hardly anything I could use.

I could have asked Colin to get us some takeaway, but he's working late tonight. "Girls..." I went to grab their attention. Rose turned to look at me but Y/N was still facing the TV. "Do you girls want to have pizza for dinner?"

"We are having pizza for dinner?!" Rose exclaimed excitedly. Her smile brightened my day but when I looked at Y/N, she had no reaction and my face dropped. "You never allowed us to have pizza for dinner. Y/N! We are having pizza for dinner!" Rose was so excited like she was opening presents.

"Are we?"



Another week passed and things were just not improving, I was getting desperate and at wits end. It was a lot more hectic without Y/N's help. I underestimated the help she provided when she was helping me with house chores. Now, I had to remind myself to get the groceries for meals, clean the house and wash the laundry. Rose was extremely picky about what she was going to wear and if it was still not washed, she would be grumpy the entire day. Thankfully Colin helped whenever he could and understood that we couldn't be going on dates that frequent anymore.

I took her for granted and I am paying for it.

Now, I can see why she was always tired when I see her. Y/N having to juggle school, house duties and taking care of Rose.

Your POV
It's almost half a month and I can finally see the impact of not having my help. The house was in a mess. I could see Scarlett on the edge of having a breakdown trying to maintain the house. With the addition of her work, she needed constant reminders to restock. In the form of Rose asking for snacks etc.

Should I feel bad that I'm liking this? But I'm honestly not feeling anything. I want to see how far I can push this. I wasn't going to back down so easily. You wanna play? I'll play with you.

"Rose, sis is going out with her friends tonight okay?" I told her when she was having lunch. It was during the weekend so the entire family was at the table.

"Are you coming back?"

"Yes, but you should be in bed by then. I'll wake you up in the morning alright?"

"See you sis." Rose reluctantly agreed and I gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving and grabbing my keys.

>time skip<

I stretched the time and went way past my curfew and I didn't even receive a text or call from Scarlett. I wasn't sure to be disappointed that maybe she didn't care or she was just giving me space.

I parked my car in the garage, ready to be met with a dark house but there was still light shining in the living room and I knew it was Scarlett who was waiting. I tried to sneak up to my bedroom but the squeaking of the stairs alerted her and she spoke. "Wait, Y/N! I know you really don't wish to speak to me but I really want to apologise to you properly."

I stopped at the staircase, indicating for her to speak but still had my back facing her. Scarlett's footsteps came close and stopped at the foot of the stairs. "I am truly sorry Y/N. You are not useless to the family at all. I and the family are in a mess without you and you have contributed so much to the family in silence. I really hope we can go back to talking terms and I am willing to change and wait. I'm sorry Y/N. I love you sweetheart."

I waited till she was done with her speech before proceeding to my bedroom. If I was facing her earlier, I may have forgiven her there and then.

Scarlett POV
Without saying anything, Y/N continued up the stairs and I was left alone in silence again. Feeling dejected, I went back to bed with Colin who was waiting for me. "I take it as it didn't go so well?" He said when he saw me enter the room.

I sighed and shook my head as I got under the cover. "Well, she listened without looking at me, so that's an improvement if you count as one... I made such a huge mistake that I can never make it up to her."

"Give her time..."

The next morning, I guess I woke up around the same time as Y/N as I met her while I was walking down the stairs to get to the kitchen. "You're up. Good morning." She hummed as a reply while looking at her phone.
(That's me, on the phone as soon as I wake up)

No one else in the household was up yet so it was just us in the kitchen. "Do you want breakfast?" Knowing her, she would already have planned everything in advance and have an answer in her head.

"Cereal." She said bluntly. Even though it was just a single word, I was more than happy to hear her speak to me again. I quickly made one for her and sat opposite while trying to figure out how she's feeling. She dipped the spoon in and started eating.

Y/N finished eating and I washed the dishes for her. To my surprise, she was still seated there when I turned around. It looked like she was thinking about what to say so I gave her time. Y/N may be analytical, but she was never good at communications. "It really hurt. I don't think I could ever forget that, the way you spoke to me, the way you looked at me."

"I'm really sorry Y/N."

"Just let me speak." I kept silent and gave her space. "I won't lie, I did think of running away but I wanted to see how you were suffering without my help. Safe to say, you took some time to get back to being the mother of the house. But it was very lonely... I missed talking to you about the interesting things that happened in school, complaining about the ridiculous things my teachers did and cuddling with you during Friday movie night."

"So do you forgive me?"

"But don't expect us to return immediately to what we once were. I'm going to Rose's room." Y/N left the kitchen to fulfil the promise she made to Rose.

Things were less awkward ever since that day. And even though I never asked her for help, sometimes I would find the pantry replenished. Y/N would no longer sit far away from me and would sometimes lean her head on my shoulder. When I would wrap my arm around her shoulders, she wouldn't move away and instead move closer to me.

"I love you sweetheart. I'll treat you better."

"I love you too."

Written on 22 Jan 2022
Posted on 21 Jul 2022

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