A surprise S.J

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omg so sorry for the late update, i was in a meeting and totally forgot about it. wish there was a schedule function for this...

Your POV
Scarlett said she has a surprise for me and she even invited Chris as emotional support. She said it, not me. Before Chris started driving, Scarlett blindfolded me and told me that I wasn't allowed to take it off until I was there. She sat with me at the back of the car and no matter how I begged for some clue, she refused to give me.

"Don't worry, honey. You'll know when we get there." She said as she had her thumb across my knuckles.

I had no idea where we were going but I could feel that there was a slight breeze as I stepped out of the car.

"Seriously, where are we?" Even after we reached what I would assume is our location, they still refused to take the blindfold down. Scarlett took my hand dragging me to places and I can even feel that they were putting something on me.

"Are you feeling okay darling?" She checked.

"Yeah but I would feel even better if I could see right now." It was honestly getting very irritating that I was seeing nothing but black for so long. "Chris, what are you laughing at?" I hissed at him. Here I am at the edge of my nerve and there he was having the time of his life.


"You're not exactly being quiet."

"Enough Chris. Come on, let's go." Scarlett started dragging me somewhere until she told me to stop again and I felt like she was trying to position me as I felt her move me slightly to the left and right.

Scarlett POV
I had this great idea of bringing Y/N to the glass bridge that surrounds the circumference of the building which has been open for quite some time and decided to surprise her. When I was discussing it with Chris, he suggested that he was going to film the entire thing so we can look at it after.

Once I felt like we were in the center, I took out my phone and passed it to Chris for him to take a photo. I made all sorts of faces as Y/N stood there holding my hand as she refused to let them go.

Chris gave us the thumbs up and I notified Y/N that I was going to remove her blindfold soon.

Once I removed her blindfold, she clung onto me and moved away from the edge as far as possible.

"S-scarlett... where are we?" I could hear her voice wavering as she hid her head in my chest. I could tell she was serious as she called me by my name. Even after we removed her blindfold, she refused to see anything.

"We are at the top of the building and well, outside."

Her breathing was getting haggard and in irregular patterns.

"I have a fear of heights Scarlett."

"But we are already halfway in. You've done so well without seeing. You can do it." I encouraged her. I never knew her fear of heights since we were pretty grounded. Heading back and heading forward is the same distance.

"You're not going to fall off, you're tied to a harness. I saw them do it, we are all having one."

Her legs gave way and she's holding herself closest to the ground and I did the same to hold her. "Okay, let's get you to safety alright. We are going to move at your pace alright?" Maybe this whole surprise is not a good idea after all.

As we made our way closer to the exit, I could see tears streaming down her eyes silently and I felt bad for not thinking this through properly.

Once we were at the exit, the employees assisted us in taking off our harnesses and Y/N was able to move to a safer spot to relax.

I say relax, but she was still very tense. She kept dry heaving until she was able to throw up. "Here, I bought this from the shop." Chris gave me a bottle of cold water and I hurriedly took the cap off and passed it to Y/N.

"Are you feeling better?" She nodded her head.

"I have gum on the car you can chew on." Chris offered.

"Thanks." She finally said something.

"Let's go back home." On the way back, her eyes fluttered shut and she fell asleep on my shoulders. I whispered to Chris to turn the volume of the radio down a little so she could sleep better.

When we reached our house, Y/N was still asleep so Chris offered to carry her in while I quickly locked the door to the car and opened the door to our house. He placed Y/N on the bed before bidding a goodbye and left.

Once I was unable to see his car, I went back to our bedroom and changed Y/N into more comfortable clothes.

After a few hours, Y/N started stirring and woke up. "Hi, you alright?"

"Hey." She propped herself up using her elbow.

"Sorry, I didn't know you had a fear of heights." I started.

"I didn't tell you, it's fine. But I was sure I was ready to have a heart attack." Her mood changed towards the end of the sentence. Thank goodness she isn't mad at me.

"Chris was there because he was supposed to film. I'm not sure how much he managed to film because I haven't watched it yet. Do you want to watch it together?" I suggested.


I took my phone at the bedside and went to the gallery to find the video. I placed my phone between us and started the video.

*Scarlett helping Y/N wear the harness*

"I wasn't going to let them touch all over you when you couldn't see." I commented when the video started.

"I felt like I was wearing something, there was a lot of clicking sound."

*Scarlett guiding Y/N to the center*

"See, you were doing fine all the way."

"I didn't know where I was. But I had a feeling that I was at a higher altitude."

*Video turn unclear because Y/N was freaking out and Chris stopped filming*

"You were so peaceful in the beginning." She just shook her head and sighed that I was still making fun of her. "Oh, that's right, Chris took some photos too."

I showed her the pictures that Chris took with the amazing skyline view. We could see the rest of the city in all its glory.

"I'll admit. The view is amazing." She said.

"Yeah?" I breathed out. At least there was one good thing that came out of today.

"Especially when I have the view with me always." She looked at me and I realised what she was talking about. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 21 Jul 2022
Posted on 13 Oct 2022

When I end with 'I love you', that means I have no idea how to end it 

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ