Hidden Side N.R

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It was known that anything that needed your attention had to be brought to you by 2.30pm as you would step out of the building by 3pm. No one knows where you go other than those people who you keep close and trust. Steve was one of them as he was the main person for your safety and planning. Placing too much trust on one person may not be wise, but you have come a long way with Steve and you would trust him with your life.

Over the years, your appearance at your desk increases as the number of mob activities you participate decreases. You decided it was best to lead a normal life instead of having to constantly look over your shoulder for danger.

Everyday right at 2.50pm, Steve entered your room as you were getting ready to leave. "Excited to meet your young lady?" He teased as he gathered the files from your table to check if there were any notes you left for him to take note of.

"Don't you know it, Steve? She's my motivation in life." You smiled.

"Certainly, ever since then you have been smiling a lot more."

"Inform me if there's any issue." You ordered before stepping into the lift to the basement where your car parked.

After parking your car in the garage, you stepped into your house with soft music flowing. Quickly changing into comfortable clothing, you stepped into Willow's room where she and her home tutor were in.

"Mummy! You're home!" She twisted her body the moment she heard the door open and lifted her arms for you to pick her up.

"Hey baby, I miss you so much!" You peppered her face with kisses before pulling away and looking at her properly. "Were you a good girl for Miss Sam?"

"Of course Mummy! I'm always good." She placed both fists on her waist while glaring at you for ever doubting her, clearly getting her genes from you.

"Were you?" You continued questioning and tickled her stomach as you looked at Miss Sam who nodded her head. You did a thorough check on her background before accepting her into the position as a home tutor for your daughter.

After thanking her and paying for the session, you brought Willow to her playroom as you prepared snacks for her great behaviour. Just as you were about to turn and get out of the kitchen, Willow was by your feet with her puppy eyes and you knew that she was here to ask something from you. You place the tray on the table before bending to her level to ask what she wanted.

"I want to go out to play, Mummy." She twirled her thumbs together and looked at you with her bottom lips out. "There's no one to play with me here... The boys don't play with me unless Stevie comes." The boys Willows were referring to were the security guards that were stationed at your house when you're away from home.

"But you have so many things at home."

"I know... but I want to play outside, please?" She was the only one who could melt your frozen heart. How could you not give her everything she asked for, that she deserved after hiding her away from the world for so long.

Finally, you relented and gave in to her request. "Okay..." She cheered, jumping around, but you held her back by holding her hands. "But you have to follow whatever I say when we are outside." Willow nodded, too excited at the opportunity to go out to hear what kind of conditions you were going to lay out.

You packed the snacks into a bag before making sure Willow was ready to head out. While driving to the park that was some distance out in order to be safe about your home location, you told Willow the rules that she has to abide by.

You had her repeat the rules once more when you were parking to make sure she got it.
1. No talking to strangers
2. Come to mummy when strangers speak to you
3. Always be in the line of sight of mummy (or more simply put, make sure you can see mummy)

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ