Touch N.R

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Your POV
I never liked physical touch. Throughout school, my friends knew to never give me any hug, touch my shoulders etc. Split second touch was still alright - like getting your attention type. Other than that, they know never to touch me unless they want to get slapped or punched in their face. Well, sometimes they still get slapped for nothing, I just felt like it.
(true story)

Thank goodness my friends were kind enough to deal with this kind of outburst and I was never sent to the principal's office.

But here we are, in SHIELD with tons of people and stricter rules to follow. Nothing has happened yet, people have kept their hands to themselves, after all this was not a place to make friends.

I may put on a tough front, but inside, I'm quite a people person. Being able to make time instantly when friends ask to hang out at the last minute.

Currently, I'm queuing for food in the cafeteria. Usually, I leave this task to my friend since I hate queuing but they were on leave. Every single one of them, leaving me alone.

I sighed, looking at the long queue in front of me. Suddenly, I felt a hand rubbing my shoulder. I don't know what went over me that day, but I left the hand hanging there when normally the person would have been punched already. Thinking, I should at least identify the culprit, I turned around only to see Natasha Romanoff. I widened my eyes and stopped breathing, what is she doing here, with me? Thank goodness I didn't swing my arm. It would have been embarrassing.

"Where are your friends? I didn't see them around today." She looked around for them.

Her hand was still on my shoulder. "They- they are on leave today." I was a nervous wreck in front of her. "You- you know who my friends are?"

"Of course, I see them everyday."

Everyday?? The Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow, looked at us everyday?? "A-are you here to find them?" I questioned. As nervous as I am, I was unable to tear my eyes away from her, thinking about questions to continue this conversation for as long as possible.

"No honey, I'm here to see you."

I froze. See me? My brain was trying to process her words but getting stuck as if I was lagging. Did I hear her right? The queue had moved ahead and we were blocking their way, people went around us, glancing at the famous Black Widow talking to a nameless agent.


"Yea, I want to bring you on a date. You and I. 7pm, I'll wait for you after work."

"Okay." I breathed. I wasn't even sure if she heard it until she pecked my forehead before leaving. I was left standing there in a daze. Everyone was staring at me at what I received from her.

Lunch forgotten and paperwork not touched, I went back to my desk replaying the scene in my head numerous times.

Written on 29 Nov 2021
Posted on 5 Jun 2022

Inspired by my secondary school life.

There's this one female teacher who almost everyone liked. One day I was queuing up for food at a stall which I don't normally queue for and she touched my shoulder. Not knowing it was here then, I slowly turned to face her and of course I was shocked. I did tell her I almost hit her though. She didn't get to be taught by her though, she was the teacher in-charge for my CCA.

The hitting part was real, sometimes I hit my friend for no reason. I stopped after 2 years though, it's not like I hit her everyday.

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