Mama sick? N.R

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Natasha woke up the morning slightly later than usual and felt a weight on her body. She looked down and you were lying peacefully on her with your thumb in your mouth from sucking in the middle of the night and your other hand holding onto her tank top. She took your thumb out and rubbed your back, giving you more time to sleep so you wouldn't be cranky later.

Minutes later, she decided to wake you up to start the day. "Y/N" She whispered softly trying to wake you up but her voice came out scratchy. You whimpered slightly but continued sleeping. "Y/N, it's time to wake up." Nat decided to hold you and walk to the bathroom but when she stood up she felt slightly dizzy and weak, falling to her knees.

She held you tight so you didn't fall off but you hit your head on the floor causing you to cry. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She checked your head for any injuries while calming you down.

"Nat! Are you coming down for breakfast?" Wanda came in to check on Natasha since she normally would already be down at the kitchen drinking her coffee. "Are you okay?" Wanda asked when she saw Natasha and you on the floor sniffing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm coming down." Nat said in a hoarse voice. Placing a hand on the bed while holding you with the other, she pushed herself up.

"You clearly don't sound good. I think you're sick Nat." She took you from her and insisted Natasha rest in bed. "I will make something for you to get better."

"Come on, let's go. Mama's sick." Wanda bounced you around and brought you to the kitchen with the others, notifying them that Natasha's sick and wouldn't be coming down.

"Mama sick?" You said sadly looking at Wanda before looking back at your mama.

"Yes, we are going to give her medicine to make her feel better." Wanda decided to include you so you don't feel left out.

Wanda gave you half a lemon and a plastic cup. "Squeeze it until we can't see the bottom okay?"

"Ung." You nodded and took the lemon and cup to sit on the floor and started working. You shook the lemon into the cup and checked your progress but nothing happened. You looked at Wanda but she was busy at the stove.

Using your tiny hands, you squeezed the lemon as hard as you could and you saw a single drop in the cup. "Wanda!" You shouted excitedly at your progress.

"That's good bubs, continue yeah?" She ruffled your hair and you continued squeezing it.

"Urghhh." Was the sound you made at every squeeze. The lemon no longer looked round as before once you finished. Looking satisfied with your work, you stood up excitedly but accidentally knocked over the cup in the process.

"Uh oh." You mumbled quietly at your work being on the floor. Wanda was quick to get to your side and reassure you it was okay. She gave you another lemon if you wanted another go so you took it and continued in your corner.

"You sure are one determined child." Wanda said quietly as she cleaned up your mess. After cleaning up, she remembered there's a juicer and you wouldn't have such a hard time squeezing the lemon. "Oh well..."

Once you were done, you carefully this time gave it to Wanda for her to make a warm honey lemon juice for your mama. Along with the soup she made, she brought it with her to Natasha who was sleeping.

You touched your mama's face as she was crying in her sleep, hoping to stop her cries. "Mama, don't cry." She managed to wake up but her eyes sting causing her to tear up even more. "Y/N, what did you do?"

"It's probably the lemon juice." Wanda said as she passed her the honey lemon. "Y/N made this for you to get better."

"You did? Thank you Y/N." Her voice was still hoarse. 

"Ung." You nodded and pushed the cup closer to your mama, urging her to drink. "Mama drink."

She took a sip. "Thank you Y/N." You giggled. Nat received the soup from Wanda and all you sat there as Natasha drank the soup. You were sitting in Wanda's lap as you played with her necklace not thinking that your mama was still sick.

When Natasha was done, she passed the bowl to Wanda who took you out of the room with her. "But mama okay?" You looked between your mama and Wanda wondering why your auntie was taking you away from your mama. 

"The honey lemon is not going to make her instantly better sweetie." Your face instantly changed to a gloom and horror as if you've been tricked.

"I said the honey lemon was going to make her feel better, I didn't say she was going to be better instantly." 

"I'm sorry Y/N. But I don't want to make you sick too." Natasha's voice was still hoarse but it wasn't as bad as it was in the morning.

Despite your protest of staying behind by flailing your arms and kicking your legs, you were brought out of the room. You stood by the door with your head in on the door silently, wanting to go in.

Natasha felt bad that you couldn't be near her mama but she didn't want you catching the flu too. She went back to sleep hoping to get better soon so she could get back to you.

"Come on Y/N, you can't be standing there forever." Clint came to persuade you after numerous failed attempts from Wanda. "You can have ice cream." He tried to bribe you but you refused to move. You sat by the door wanting your mama to come out and play with you.

Soon you felt tired sitting there doing nothing so you ended up falling asleep by the door and Wanda carried you to her room so you could rest properly.

Written on 29 Jan 2022
Posted on 31 Jul 2022

Inspired by the anime and manga Gakuen Babysitter (School Babysitter). It's a really cute and adorable anime.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ