Keychain N.R

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Second POV
Everyone was having a normal day in the compound except that Yelena and Kate were here to join us.

"Look what we bought!" They announced the moment they entered the compound. They had bags and bags with them as if they were going to celebrate something.

"Why did you buy so many things?" You asked as you helped them with their bags and placed them on the kitchen counter.

"There were so many things I've never tried before so I wanted to try them." Yelena said as she showed me what she got. "Kate also showed me a lot." She added at the end.

You nodded until you saw a pair of similar key chains on their phone. "What's this?" You asked, taking Kate's phone to have a better look that was on the table.

"Oh, it came as a free gift with the drinks we bought." She showed you the drinks that came with it.

"Nice..." You mumbled under your breath as you took the drink from her and inspected it. It sparked an idea in your head. Maybe Natasha and you could get a similar one as well. All you have to do is make up an excuse for you and Nat to go to the store sometime soon. Before they ran out of free gifts.

It was on your mind the whole day and the next. You couldn't go to the store immediately as they have literally bought every possible thing you could have made an excuse with. You really wanted something to have something to match with Natasha. Something that both of you could carry around all the time, not just identical hoodies or shirts.

"I feel like getting some snacks for the movie night later." You said while cuddling with Nat, planning your move as well as the movie night you have with her every fortnightly.

"But Yelena just bought a lot. Surely there's something you want there." Nat said while tracing her nails over your back.

"But I feel like eating something else..." You whined hoping that Nat would change her mind.

"Alright alright baby, we'll go to the store later." Nat gave in and you cheered like a baby, after all, you were her baby.


"Nat! Do you want something to drink? The ones Yelena and Kate bought the other day were nice! Did you try them?" You said while walking and looking through the drink aisle with my arms linked with Nat's.

"I haven't. Is it really that nice?" Nat wasn't the kind to drink bottled drinks. She's more of a coffee or water person. And it's never like there were any left for her to try.

"Yeah! It's great. Look, there it is." You pointed towards the fridge that has the display of drinks.

"Get one for me then, I'm going to see if there are any of the chips you want in front." She kissed your cheeks before parting away. You dug through the row of drinks to see if there were any suitable ones that Natasha would mostly likely agree to carry.

After you were satisfied with your two choices, you went to find Natasha in the snacks sections. As much as Nat hates to admit it, she likes trying new snacks and would always try to find any new ones each month. She has a cabinet dedicated to snacks in your room because the guys would plow through them before she even has a chance to try.

"Look Nat! They have free gifts that come with it!" You showed her the two keychains that were hung at the neck of the bottles.

"Isn't it the one that Kate has on her phone?" She looked at it before taking them and placing them in the cart she was holding. " I don't understand why she likes it."

She said it simply and it broke your heart like a child not getting the toy she wishes. That's why you hate getting your hopes up, it crashes harder, and more painful.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon