I'll always be with you N.R

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Second POV
Natasha pushed open the door with a heavy heart. She has been visiting, no, living with you for the past few days while you were staying in the hospital. After the latest mission with Sam and Bucky, the three of you had to be brought to the hospital due to everyone's injuries. Sam and Bucky got away easier compared to you, as they woke up the next day and were discharged by the next.

Nat took a seat next to your bed and held your hand. With your injuries that required a lot of repairing, one of the severe injuries included your eyes. They were the main part of your powers, being able to teleport to wherever you see. Nat thought back to the day you were leaving for the mission.


"Stay safe, alright? It doesn't matter if you fail the mission, just come back safely." Nat whispered as she hugged you before you boarded the quinjet.

"I will." You gave her a quick kiss before joining Sam and Bucky. The mission as with the others carries its own risks and you prepared as much as you could with Sam and Bucky for it, but fate decided to play its cards.

Bucky, with his super serum, was desperately trying to save you even though he had his own injuries to care for. "You got to be okay, Y/N. Even if I don't die from this, I think Nat is gonna kill me if you die."

Well, you got the coming back part, but not the safely portion.

Slowly but surely, all your other bruises and cuts were starting to heal. Nat definitely noticed them, she had been looking at nothing but your face and body. Any miniscule healing counted as a positive towards Nat's mind. It proved to her that you were still there and your body was working to find a way to bring it back to her.

Steve has been coming in to check on her, making sure she was taking care of herself when she takes care of you. "A sandwich for you. I know you don't feel like eating, but Y/N wouldn't want you to fall."

As Nat takes care of you, she has been taking her meals in your ward with you. It was hardly ever a proper meal, mostly snacks to keep her going, but her teammates would always be the one to bring something.

With a sigh escaping her lips, she accepted the sandwich.

Another thing that Nat has learnt to do was to read your vitals. Not necessarily what each dip meant but she learnt the rhythm of it. So when she heard a different beep, she stood up to check your monitor to make sure she didn't hear wrongly. There was a different dip, a break in the rhythm. Nat gave a look towards Steve and he went looking for your doctor and nurse.

"Baby, can you hear me?" She asked desperately. "Can you give me some sort of a response? Can you feel me?"

You were conscious only a seconds ago, words were cutting out every few seconds but you could register that it was Nat's voice. Her touch felt like electricity to you and you liked every second of it. Using all your strength, you tried to signal to her you were aware of your surroundings.

Your finger twitched and you were gaining strength to do more. "N- Nat." It came out as nothing more than a whisper but Nat heard it. The doctor came in just in time to make sure everything was going well.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Nat asked once again.

"I- I can't see anything." You panicked.

"It's normal, Y/N. The doctor is going to explain to you in a while. Just let him do his check okay? I'm going to be with you the entire time. I'm not leaving you." Nat assured you as she placed a hand on your shoulder. Usually, this was not normal by any means, but it is when your eyes have been slashed by your perpetrator.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ