Doing It Alone N.R

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There was a lot to consider when you decided to adopt a child with Natasha. While raising a child has been one of Nat's dreams, working with the Avengers was her life, and asking her to reduce the workload was hard. You also had to consider their safety and how they were going to cope with one of their parent's inconsistent presence.

It was great in the beginning, though not the best. Natasha tried her best to keep her promise, but something would occasionally call her back to SHIELD because someone needed her. Working for SHIELD was her pride and joy, and you can't bear to take that away from her. It was the first thing that connected her to humanity and renewed her sense of purpose. It was also the place where she met all of her new friends and was a safe space for her.

But sometimes, you wanted to be that something more important than SHIELD.

Was it too much to ask?

Wanda can do it. Why can't she?

It's not fair to compare her to others.

You admire Laura for being able to do this for so many years. You admire her for being confident, self-assuring, resilient and patient. How did she wait for Clint all these years when he was out on a mission for days? How did she care for their kids when he was not here? Doing all this in a faraway farm, it was an amazing feat. It's only been two years since both of you adopted Keith. He wasn't the youngest of the bunch, being 4 years old when adopted, but he's clever and notices a lot around him.


Clint invited your family over for lunch at their house since their kids were similar age, and it would be great to interact. Clint would also like to catch up with Natasha to know more about what's going on with SHIELD.

As soon as you arrived, Laura was at the door with her arms wide open, readying to bring you into a hug. Keith was also very excited to meet his friends and ran towards the toys immediately. "I swear I have toys at home for him." You claimed and Laura chuckled.

Food was served as you situated Keith at the table, reminding him of the table manners and etiquette he was supposed to display. You nodded when he repeated the rules you have for him.

Lunch, for once, was very hearty and filled with lots of conversation. You mentioned how Keith was doing in school, something different from Laura's kids, who were getting homeschooled. Keith whined about being able to stay at home and not having to wake up early. Sadly, you have to reject him since you didn't get great schooling and didn't know what was taught at different ages to improve his cognitive ability.

Clint also shared what he did to improve the house, which was noticeable, especially in the washroom and kitchen. You could tell he did a lot of updating in the house to ensure things weren't falling apart. Calling a technician or plumber to where they were would take a long time.

Suddenly, Natasha's phone rang, and your heart dropped. You knew what it meant when the phone rang. Everyone turned silent for Nat to step aside and answer the phone. You tried to push aside your feelings and continue the conversation, but you kept slipping up your words as your throat was closing.

"Hey, sorry. I hate to cut this short, but I have to head to SHIELD to close out a case. Do you want to continue and stay or head back with me?" Natasha directed the last sentence to you. But before you could reply, Laura said she would love to spend more time with you and Keith before Clint drove you back. 

The decision was final when you heard the door close behind your back.

Laura quickly asked Clint to take the kids out for some fun as she sat beside you. You put your head down, trying so hard not to let the tears fall. "I'm here, Y/N. I know what it feels like." She pulled your trembling body closer to her. She patted your back and brought you to the couch with a glass of water.

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