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I HELD onto my sisters arm as she cried. We'd just come from our fathers funeral. Snow was very close with our father, and today had absolutely devastated her. And I was sad, of course, though I'd never shared the closeness with Father she had. Snow and I were twins though, so I felt what she felt.

If you saw us in passing, you wouldn't immediately think we were twins. While we did have the same shade of brown hair, our eyes were different. While Snow had a breathtaking green, I had a chocolate brown.

We shared the same chin, but that was about it. Snow was considered the most beautiful in the land. In fact, the villagers even called her the Fairest of Them All. I was called pretty, but never talked about in such adoration as my sister.

I sighed and squeezed Snow's arm as we approached our stepmother. Like us, she was wearing all black. She was very pretty and also young, way younger than our father had been. Regina was only about nine or ten years older than Snow and I, but she'd been an amazing mother to us. Yet lately, I'd felt a shift.

Something had changed. No one else even noticed, but then again, no one else seemed to notice the things I did. I had some sort of intuition, that let me know certain things. And it always came true. It was almost like I could see the future, which was a crazy notion. I just knew things.

Regina pulled Snow into a hug, while I hung back. "I just miss him so much." Snow said, wiping her eyes and stepping back. "As do I." Regina said and her eyes flickered to me. I thought I saw a sliver of victory in her eyes. It was strange. Why would she be happy my father died? Unless she'd had something to do with it.

After this, I kept close watch on Regina. My suspicions were confirmed when I heard of her plans to murder Snow and I. I was heartbroken, of course, and so was Snow. I'd loved Regina, and I couldn't think of any reason she'd want to kill us. I made plans for our escape, which would have to be done in the dead of night.

Later that night, I was running away. I was almost free, just a few seconds and I'd reach the castle gates. Then my sister and I would be safe forever. I gasped in pain as a strong arm snatched me back. I groaned as it drug me back. I looked to see another man beside him. Oh, great. The palace guards. They were wearing their signature black outfits, with the strange helmets.

"Didn't really think you could escape, did you Claire?" Jason said to me, tightening his hold on my arm. I recognized his voice, for I'd known him as one of my stepmothers guards the past year.

He was also one of the creepiest ones, always whistling at Snow when she walked by. Snow ignored him, but I'd always glared at him when I walked past.

"Let me go." I said angrily, trying to snatch away.

"I don't think so." He said, grabbing my other arm, and pulling them together behind my back.

I struggled against his hold as he started to drag me back into the palace. I was almost free. I'd almost escaped this terrible place. My entire life of being here and I'd almost won my freedom.

I decided to try to play on Jason's humanity. He might have a heart after all. "Please. She'll kill me." I pleaded, but the men only laughed.

"Do you honestly think we care?" Jason said, shoving me to the ground. I hit the stone with a groan. My hands started to bleed. "Now all we have to do is call her." Jason said, and I fought back the tears. I didn't want to die like this. I might never get to see my sweet sister again.

"You sure you want to do that, Jason?" I heard a very strange voice call out. It was a man's voice, but very high pitched, and some sort of accent was there as well. Perhaps Scottish?

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