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AS SOON as we made it to the hospital, Ashley was taken back. Emma, Henry and I stayed in the waiting room.

Emma was pacing, and I could tell she was nervous. "You know, Emma, you're different." Henry told her suddenly. "What's that?" Emma asked him.

"You're the only one who can do it." Henry told her. "Break the curse? Yes, I know. You keep telling me that." Emma told him.

"No. Leave. You're the only one who can leave Storybrooke." Henry told her. "You left and came and found me in Boston." Emma told him.

'But I came back. I'm ten. I had no choice." Henry told her. "Well, what about me? I came here from Boston." I told Henry and he looked at me.

"I still haven't figured that one out yet. I still don't know why you got sent to Boston instead of here." He told me. I wondered too, if Henry's theory was true. Why hadn't I ended up in Storybrooke like everyone else?

"But if anyone else tried to go, bad things would happen." Henry told us. "Anyone? Except me?" Emma asked him. "You're the savior. You can do whatever you want. You can go." Henry told her.

Emma smiled at him as a nurse walked up. "Miss Swan? The baby is a healthy six pound girl. And the mother is doing fine." The nurse told us. Emma and I smiled at her.

"What lovely news." I heard Gold say. I turned to glare at him. "Emma, Henry, go see Ashley. I want to talk to him. Tell Ashley not to worry. I'm handling this." I told her and Emma nodded, glancing between Gold and I with wide eyes.

I stormed over to him. "What the hell?" I asked him. He looked surprised to see me angry at him.

"What's wrong, Claire?" He asked me, still surprised. "You! You lied to me! Why didn't you say you wanted the baby? Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Because I didn't want you to think bad of me." He told me.

"Well it's too late for that." I said and glared at him. "You're not getting that baby." I told him and he smirked at me.

"Really?" He asked. I felt my face get red from being so angry at him. I hadn't gotten this angry in years. He seemed to have an extreme effect on me.

"Let's make a deal. Give Ashley her baby back and I'll do whatever you want." I told him. "Except for a few things." I added. He smiled.

"Fine. Ashley can keep the baby, but you'll owe me a favor." He told me. Something told me not to make a deal with him, but it was for Ashley.

I stepped towards him and held out my hand. He shook it, and I tried to ignore how my ring began to shimmer as we touched. "Deal." I told him.

I turned to walk away then  He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Wait." He said. I sighed and turned to him. "What?" I asked him. "Do you think I'm an evil person?" He asked me and I looked into his eyes.

"Everyone is evil to someone else. It's perspective. I can't decide with you yet. You do bad things and you treat people terribly, but somehow I'm immune?" I asked him and he looked away.

"Why?" I asked him. "Because you're special." He told me and I felt my face soften.

"I've got to go. I'll see you around." I told him and gave him one last glance before I walked off.

I felt empty again. Why did he have this effect on me? He made me feel like kissing him one second and punching him the next. And what's worse, things felt right with him.

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