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I opened my eyes to see we were now back in the Enchanted Forest. I looked around and noticed that everyone was now wearing the clothes they were wearing as the curse struck. I reached down and felt the material of my gown, feeling odd to be back in my old clothes.

I glanced to my side and saw Baelfire and we shared a sad smile. I didn't know how I was going to deal with losing Rumple, but at least Baelfire and I had each other.

"We're back." Snow stated sadly.

"Snow, Claire, what happened?" Aurora asked. I nodded at her slightly in greeting as I had no heart to give her a cheery hello. I saw her and who I was assuming was Phillip walking towards us. I guessed they found a way to save him after all.

"How have things been since we left? The Ogres?" Snow asked, going immediately into royalty mode. I guessed this was her way of trying to block out the pain of losing Emma and Henry.

"Defeated. We're restoring our kingdom and our lives." Aurora stated.

"And congratulations." Snow said, looking at Aurora's stomach.

"Is it that obvious?"

"You are glowing."

"Why is she pregnant and I'm the one who's sick?" Regina said snapping.

Phillip and Aurora glanced at her, but didn't respond.

"We have much to celebrate. And know that you and your friends are welcome in our kingdom. If you need anything, we're at your service." Phillip stated.

"Thank you, but all we need is horses. We have our own kingdom and our own castle." Charming told him.

"Our castle was destroyed in the curse." Snow reminded Charming.

"Well played, Your Majesty. You laid waste to everything." Hook commended Regina, who rolled her eyes at him.

"Not everything. Her castle still stands." Aurora said.

"And so does the Dark Castle." I murmured and everyone turned to look at me.

"My father has a castle?" Baelfire asked and I nodded. "Yes, I believe he would have protected it from the curse with enchantments, even if he was locked up."

"I protected my castle as well." Regina stated.

"Well, technically the castle doesn't belong to her. It was Snow and Claire's before she took it." Charming said and I rolled my eyes, as did Regina.

"To be fair, I married into it." Regina told him.

"That you did. And now we're taking it back. Together. And you two are coming with us." Snow said, smiling and taking a step towards Regina and I.

"You can't be serious." Regina stated.

"Everyone out there is scared and confused. They need hope. What better way to do that then to return united? You two have to come with us. I know you don't like it, but you'll learn to. For our good." Snow told me.

"Snow, I can't be in that castle. I'm not going to be in any shape to help you with the kingdom. I just want to be alone." I told her, then glanced at Baelfire.

"I think it would be good for us to be around family, Claire." Baelfire told me and I sighed.

"If you think so, okay. But you're coming with us too."

Snow nodded and smiled at that, and I nodded,  but couldn't return the smile.

"Thank you again for your hospitality. We should begin preparations." Charming told Phillip and Aurora.

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