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I WALKED into the dining room uncertainly. I didn't know how to approach Rumplestiltskin. After all, the last time I'd seen him I'd hurt him.

I walked up to the table and saw him sitting there. "Would you like to practice today?" I asked him and he didn't even glance my way.

"Not today. I have business outside of the castle." He informed me and I sighed. "Alright. I'll just practice alone, I suppose." I told him, turning to walk off. "You do that." He called after me and I felt anger course through me.

"Why are you being this way?" I said, whirling around.

"I'm not being any sort of way." He told me, still not looking at me. I rolled my eyes. "You know, you can't ignore me forever!" I said angrily and stormed off. If he was going to be this way, fine.

Sometimes it felt like every time I started to feel something for him, he infuriated me even more. It was like something in the universe just didn't want us together.

I woke up and got dressed quickly. I walked downstairs and saw Emma was already up and watching the news. I walked over and made myself a plate. "Hey." I told her and she smiled. "You seeing this? Apparently there's gonna be a storm." She told me. "That's weird. I bet Storybrooke never had a storm before now." I joked and she rolled her eyes.

Mary Margaret rushed in now, holding her purple toothbrush in her mouth and throwing on her shoes.

"I cannot believe I overslept." Mary Margaret said, throwing her toothbrush down.

"It's only 7:10, you've got plenty of time to get to school." Emma told her. "Yeah, we never leave her until like 7:30." I said suspicious of her. She'd been leaving way earlier than me the last week.

Mary Margaret ran over and threw on her beanie. "No, I have to be there at 7:15. Science fair. I'm helping the kids with their project." Mary Margaret said and I smirked and turned back to my plate.

There was no science fair this week. I thought she would know better than to lie to someone who also taught at the school. "I'm sure if you're five minutes late, they'll live." Emma told her.

"We're making a volcano." Mary Margaret said offended and rushed out the door.

I turned back to Emma and smirked. "What is it?" She asked me and I shook my head. "It will all explain itself soon." I told her. "Why don't we head to Grannys?" I asked her. "We just ate." She told me.

"Not to eat. Just come on." I told her and she shook her head with a laugh. "Okay." She said and grabbed her jacket.

We walked into Granny's just in time to see David Nolan leaving. "This is, ''making a volcano?" Emma asked and Mary Margaret looked guilty.

"I was.." She trailed off as Emma and I sat down.

"I get it."
Emma told her. "He comes here every morning at 7:15 to get coffee." Mary Margaret told us.

"For him and his wife." Emma said and Mary Margaret almost winced. "I know. I know. I just like to come here to see him." Mary Margaret told us.

"So you're a stalker." Emma said and I chuckled.

"No not really. Maybe a little bit." Mary Margaret told us and I grinned.

"I mean, it's not like I'm following him. I just know that he spends his mornings with Kathryn. Gets coffee. Then drives to the animal shelter to start work around 7:30, and gets home around 5." She told us and I glanced at Emma in shock.

"Is that all?" Emma asked and Mary Margaret took her seriously. "On Thursdays they get Chinese." She told us. "I can't get him out of my head."
She told us.

GoldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora