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I ran as fast as I could through the fields of Regina's old home. She was here, I could feel it. I rushed over the hill and that's when I saw her. Regina staring down at my sisters body. My sister, who was laid out with an apple in her limp hand.

I felt a surge of sadness at seeing her laying there but something else took over when Regina looked up and made eye contact with me. Rage.

"Regina!" I screamed and she narrowed her eyes at me. I summoned a ball of fire and threw it her way. She dodged it and looked at me incredulously. Was she really surprised that I'd attacked her? Or surprised that I had magic?

"How could you?" I yelled at her and she scoffed. "She only got what she deserved!" Regina yelled back at me, advancing on me. I stiffened and held up my hands, producing another fireball.

"Deserved? She did nothing to you! She loved you Regina! I loved you! You were like a mother to me! Why did you do this?" I asked her, my anger fading a little as the grief hit me once again.

Regina's face morphed into surprise for a moment before she hid it. "She ruined everything! Don't you know? She killed him! And you, you were just there. I have no grudge against you, but I knew if I was to kill her, I had to kill you too. You were already becoming suspicious of me after your father's death-"

"You mean after his murder?" I asked her coldly. She tilted her head at me. "You don't seem so angry for his death. Not like you are at Snow's. And it's not like I killed her! I merely trapped her in a deep sleep! I showed her more kindness than I should have, considering what she's done to me!" Regina yelled at me.

I felt confused. What did Snow do? And who did she kill? "Snow never did anything to you. What are you talking about?" I asked her and she smiled a bitter smile. "She killed Daniel. My true love, my first love. She had him murdered in cold blood, at the hands of my mother."

At those words, I felt my knees buckle. I fell to the ground and clutched at my chest. "I thought that he left. You said he left!" I said and Regina laughed coldly. "He left me, but not on his own will. My mother ripped out his heart. Right in front of me. That's his grave right there." Regina said, pointing to a stone headstone a few feet away from me.

I glanced over at my sisters body. Did Snow know of this now? Did she feel guilty of the pain she'd caused Regina? Could she hear this? Or was she simply asleep and dreaming? "Regina, I'm sorry. I never knew." I found myself saying, feeling sympathy for Regina, something I never thought I'd feel.

The love I had for Regina was still there, just buried under worse feelings. More complex ones. In a perfect world, the two of us could be friends. We could forgive and forget. But this world isn't perfect.

A cry pierced the air and I made eye contact with Regina once again. "That's my cue." She said with a bitter smile, and then she disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke.

I had the sudden idea to follow her. I had to know that she wasn't planning on coming back and trying to finish my sister off. I walked over to where she'd vanished and put all of my thoughts on hoping to follow her. I turned on one foot then and found myself vanishing as well.

I opened my eyes and gasped as I saw where I was. I was inside a jail cell, one of my father's old cells, and I wasn't alone. "Claire?" David asked me, looking completely shocked. I was even more shocked to see my sister's true love. Regina must be keeping him imprisoned, possibly waiting to be executed.

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