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"IM SORRY. I shouldn't have thrown that cup at you." I said, walking into the main room of the castle. Rumplestiltskin didn't even glance up.

This made me angry. I'd apologized and he was ignoring me. "Oh, so that's how it is?" I asked, storming up to him. "Just go." He told me and I groaned.

"You want me to leave?" I asked him, and he held up his hands, making the castle doors fly open.

"Yes." He said, not meeting my eyes. He made me so angry. I wanted him to just look at me. In all of my anger, I hadn't realized that he'd stood up and was looking at me with a surprised expression.

"What?" I asked him, and glanced behind me. All of his possessions were flying around my head, floating in midair.

"Did I do that?" I asked him, scared of myself. The objects all dropped with a clatter.

"Yes. I think you did." He told me, walking up to me. He grabbed one of my hands and I flinched.

"I can help you control it." He told me and I sighed. "I don't like magic. Magic turned Regina evil. There's no telling what it will do to me." I told him and he shook his head.

"No. There's two kinds of magic. Light and dark.You can protect yourself without using any dark magic. And Snow." He told me. That was tempting. I did want to be able to defend myself.

"Or were you under the impression someone will always be around to save you?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Teach me." I told him and he smiled, closing the castle doors.

"I guess that means I'm staying?" I asked him with a smirk. "Yes. I didn't mean what I said you know. About me choosing wrong." He told me, shocking me.

"I know. I didn't mean what I said either. And I will help you. To find your son." I told him and he smiled. "Thank you." He said and waved his hand. A red rose appeared in it. "For you." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you. They're my favorites." I said, taking the rose.

"I know." He told me. As I walked back to my room, I felt myself begin to like Rumplestiltskin. There was something about him.

"Emma, are you sure were invited to this?" I asked Emma and I shrugged on my black coat. Emma, Henry and I were headed to David Nolan's welcome home party. Previously known as John Doe.

I'd wondered where Mary Margaret was, but figured she was avoiding David because of her crush on him. I didn't blame her. Being around David was one thing, but having to bask in the presence of an overjoyed Kathryn was another thing entirely.

"Yes, I'm sure." Emma called, pulling on her signature red leather jacket. Henry walked in then and we made our way outside.

"I wonder if David would let Gold come." I mused and Emma sent me a surprised look. "So I assume things are going good?" Emma asked me and I felt the grin take over my face.

"Yes. They are. I know it seems crazy but I feel like I know him already." I told her and she smiled at me. She didn't really like Gold, but we were friends so she accepted it.

"You do know him, Claire." Henry told me and I sighed. "Henry, are you ever going to tell me who he is?" I asked him and Henry smirked.

"Not telling. You have to figure it out on your own." He told me and Emma and I exchanged a frustrated look.

We made it to David's house, the one he shared with Kathryn. From what I'd heard, David still didn't remember his wife.

We walked in and stood in the crowd with everyone else. A lot of people had shown up. The door flew open then and David and Kathryn walked in.

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