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I watched numbly as Hook walked forward and placed a shovelful of dirt atop Bae's coffin. Emma encouraged Henry to go next, which was perhaps the most sad. He didn't even know who he was mourning. The Bae that Henry knew had been forgotten.

I looked up as Emma glanced back at me. I walked up and took the shovel, gathering some dirt before sitting it atop the coffin as well. Tears filled my eyes as I thought of Rumple, trapped in Zelena's grasp, not even able to attend his own son's funeral.

Emma noticed the tears and her own eyes filled with them too. She took the shovel and added one last drop of dirt atop Bae's coffin.

I stood with Emma at Granny's Diner. We'd all gathered here after Bae's funeral. It was killing me to stand here while Rumple was hurting so much, but I couldn't save him. Not without getting myself killed in the process.

"How are you two holding up?" Charming asked as he and Snow approached Emma and I.

"How do you think?" Emma stated sadly, while I just said nothing, but couldn't stop the tears filling my eyes.

"Oh, Emma. Claire." Snow said, hugging both of us. I hugged her back slightly, appreciating the comfort, even if I was still in pain.

"My condolences."

I looked up to see Zelena striding in, holding Rumple's dagger in one hand.

"So sorry I've missed the funeral, but I could never pass up the wake. Oh, did I miss the speeches? Shall I make one? I mean, I am, after all responsible."

I made a quick step towards, but felt Snow tug me back. One look over and I saw Charming holding Emma back.

"No. Too many people will get hurt." Snow told Emma and I.

"Listen to your mother. And your sister." Zelena told Emma and I, making eye contact with both of us. I glared at her, not bothering to hide my hatred.

"Anyone who interferes with my plan is gonna have to deal with the Dark One!"

"Don't come any closer." Charming said, shielding Snow.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for your baby. Not today, anyway."

"Then why are you here?" Regina asked, glaring at Zelena.

"Now that my cover's blown, I can finally pay a visit to my little sister."

"Who the hell are you talking about?"

"Why, you, of course, Regina."

"What?" Emma asked in shock, looking from Zelena to Regina.

"I'm an only child." Regina stated, shrugging Zelena off.

"Cora lied to you, Regina. I'm your sister, half, if you want to get technical."

"Why should I believe anything you say?" Regina asked, although I could tell she already did believe her. How else would Zelena have broken the blood magic on Regina's office that day?

"Oh, you shouldn't. It's a lot to swallow. This is why I brought you a gift to help."

"I don't want a gift from you."

"But you shall have it. See, my gift to you is this sad, sad, day. Use it to dig into our past, Regina. You need to learn the truth and you must believe it. And then meet me on Main Street. Tonight. Say, sundown."

"And then what?"

"Then I'll destroy you."

"This isn't the Wild West."

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