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I stood with Rumple as the Jolly Roger sailed into the ports of Storybrooke. I was happy to be back. It had become my home, even more of a home than the Dark Castle had once been.

As we all began to step off the boat, we were met by Leroy, Archie, Granny, Ruby and many others.

"How does it feel to finally be home?" Emma asked Henry.

"Better than I ever imagined." Henry replied. I gave him an odd look. For some reason, there was something off with Henry. But then maybe I was just being paranoid.

"Hey, I found this below deck. Thought you might need it." Baelfire said, handing Rumple his cane.

"Thank you, Bae, I do, as a reminder of the man I was, and I shall no longer be."

I smiled at him as did Bae. It seemed like we were becoming the happy family that Rumple so desired us to be.

I glanced over as Wendy Darling ran off the ship and into the arms of two men, who I assumed were her brothers.

The Lost Boys also left the ship, looking at the reunions with longing. The only one who didn't seem to be was Felix, who just looked at each of us with disdain.

Rumple and I walked over to Snow and Charming.

"You feeling okay?" I asked Charming.

"I feel pretty good, actually. I think the water must be working." Charming replied. Snow seemed relieved at that.

"Aye it is. Dreamshade overtook my brother the moment we left Neverland." Hook told him.

"Gold will find a cure, you'll be okay." Snow assured Charming, glancing at Rumple.

"Yes, I'll get right on that." Rumple told her, making me smile slightly.

"I have to admit, for a moment there, I didn't believe we were all going to make it out of that place." Emma confessed.

"Well, we did." Charming told her.

I noticed Regina, standing off to the side, looking like an outcast and I hated it.

"And we owe a lot of it to her. Regina helped save us all." Snow said loudly, and Regina looked at her in surprise. So did I.

It seemed like the day had come when Snow and Regina might come close to actually not hating each other. To be honest, after all we'd been through, it wasn't too shocking. If we could survive Pan and Neverland, and Cora, we could all make amends.

I smiled at Snow, trying to silently convey that I was proud of her. I knew I had a lot of repairing to do on our relationship as well, but we had time for that.

Snow smiled back, making me hopeful.

Charming cleared his throat then and pointed to the black sail on the Jolly Roger.

"So what about that shadow?"

"Don't worry. It's trapped, just as it was in the candle. The only person who can set it free is safely in here." Rumple assured everyone, holding up Pandora's Box where Pan was locked away.

"Hey, Mom, Dad, what about Felix? He's still free!" Henry called loudly, making us all turn to him.

We all walked over to where Henry and Felix were standing. Felix was looking at Henry in an odd way, like he betrayed him. It seemed different from the look of hatred he usually reserved for Henry. Once again, I felt like somebody's was wrong.

"Henry's right. We can't just let Felix walk away free." Regina stated.

"Don't worry, we've got plenty of cell space." Charming told her, leading Felix away.

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