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"What the hell?" I muttered, too stunned to even form a complete sentence.

I WAS at Golds shop, and he'd just explained everything to me. He'd told me how he was Rumplestiltskin and I really was Princess Claire, and how Regina really had cast the curse to send everyone here.

"Claire? Are you alright?" Gold asked me, glancing at my face to try to gauge my reaction. I could barely even take it all in. I'd just found out I'd lived the past twenty eight years of my life frozen in time. And that Mary Margaret or Snow White was actually my twin.

And that made Emma my niece and Henry my great nephew. Well, it looked like I was getting the family I'd always wanted, even if they didn't remember me. The strangest thing about all this was the fact that even though I knew Gold was telling the truth, I still couldn't remember my other life.

It was strange to be told all about how I used to be or who I used to be, but not be able to remember it myself. Another thing that stunned me, apparently Gold and I were engaged in the Enchanted Forest. I guessed that finally explained why I felt like I'd always loved him.

I finally pulled myself out of my thoughts to look at him. He looked concerned. "I'm fine, I think. It's just a lot." I reassured him.

"Do you have any more questions?" He asked me and I had plenty. "Why didn't you just tell me this sooner? When I saw you with the teacup?" I asked him and he looked troubled. "I thought you wouldn't believe me. You weren't ready to hear it yet." He explained and I sighed. "I still don't even think I'm ready to hear it now." I muttered.

Another thing occurred to me. "Wait a second, how come I wasn't sent here like everyone else? Why was I sent to Boston?" I asked him and he looked thoughtful. "I don't know. The last time I saw you before the curse was cast was when you visited me while I was imprisoned." Gold told me and I stiffened.

"Imprisoned?" I asked him and he nodded. "Who locked you up?" I asked him and he looked apologetic. "Well, your sister. And Charming of course." He added, looking a little annoyed. "Wow, so David and Mary Margaret really are married in the Enchanted Forest?" I asked him and he nodded. "Wait. So Regina actually does hate Mary Margaret and that's why she set her up?" I asked him and he nodded. "Why does she hate her though?" I continued and he shrugged.

"It's complicated. I know that Regina was once engaged to a stable boy, Daniel. But then one day, you and Snow were young and riding your horses and they went wild. Neither of you could stop them and they were headed towards a cliff, and you two just happened upon Regina. She saved the both of you." He told me and I felt as if I could visualize it all happening. Regina has saved my life before? Was that why sometimes I felt like I owed her something?

"Then why does she hate us if she saved us when we were younger?" I continued and he sighed. "Well, it really all boils down to your father." My father? I couldn't remember him, but he must have inflicted some damage on me, ergo my trust issues.

"What did he do?" I asked, wanting to try and understand Reginas viewpoint. "He proposed to Regina. She was eighteen. You girls were about ten or eleven. Regina adored you, but she didn't want to marry your father. One night, Snow caught her kissing Daniel and Regina made her promise to keep it a secret." Gold explained and I sighed. "It didn't stay a secret, did it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No. Snow ended up telling Reginas mother, who in turn, ripped out Daniels heart. Ever since, Regina blames your sister for what happened."

I felt terrible. I'd been so harsh on Regina and the entire time I'd been partially responsible for some of her pain. I obviously owed her an apology, but seeing as she was trying to get Mary Margaret arrested, it would have to wait.

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