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"Rumple! Are you coming?" I called as I slipped on my black coat.

I heard no answer so I walked into the living room. Rumple was standing there, looking down. "What's up?" I asked him, putting on my heels as I made my way over.

"I'm just not sure that me attending this little welcome back party is the best thing." He said.

"Why? You're my fiance, Rumple. I can bring you along if I damn well please. Anyone that has a problem with that can take it up with me." I said firmly and he chuckled. "You've certainly gotten more prone to violence since your return." He remarked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, I have. Meeting Cora again certainly didn't help me mellow out either." I told him.

His face dropped for a second. "I'm sorry you had to meet her again. I know you said she always frightened you." He told me and I shook my head.

"I'm not frightened of her anymore. No matter how powerful she may be, I have magic too." I reminded him.

"That is true, but now you won't even need to use it. I'll protect you." He told me.

"Well, if you really want to keep me happy, then you'll come with me." I told him and he sighed.

"Okay, but if someone complains, I'll just leave. Don't get into a fight by trying to defend me." He told me and I sighed and nodded.

He should've known that it was pointless to ask that of me.

We left the house and made our way by walking to Granny's diner. When we walked in, I saw there was quite a crowd. All of the dwarves were there, and Snow, Charming and Emma of course. And Henry as well.

When everyone saw me they smiled, but as I suspected, the smile fell when Rumple walked in behind me.

"What's he doing here?" Leroy asked, grabbing a knife. Rumple was about to leave when I held up my hand and pushed the knife gently from Leroy's grip.

"Listen, he's with me. I'm allowed to bring him along if I want to." I told him, and then glanced around at everyone else.
No one else said anything, so I walked in further.

Rumple gave me a look and sat down in a booth. I walked over to Snow, Emma and Charming.

"Sorry about that." I told them.

"Don't worry, Claire. If you want to have Gold here, you can. It's your party too." Emma told me and I smiled at her.

"Thanks Em." I said.

Snow smiled at me and I smiled back. She seemed to be a little more accepting of Rumple since he helped us escape. Charming, on the other hand, was still skeptical. He seemed to force himself to be more civil though, as he nodded at me. I nodded back, a small gesture of respect.

I didn't hate Charming, I just resented the way he'd treated my relationship with Rumple in the past.

Charming grabbed his glass and walked to the middle of the room.

"I just wanted to thank you all for joining us tonight. Mary Margaret and I, we have a saying, that we will always find each other, and while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glasses and join me when I say, here's to not having to look for a while. To Mary Margaret, Emma and Claire." Charming finished his speech as everyone raised their glasses.

The door creaked open and in walked Regina. She was holding a pan of food. "Sorry I'm late." She said and Leroy immediately went back for his knife.

"What is she doing here?" Leroy asked.

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