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"Is he unconscious?" Emma asked as we desperately tried to wake up Henry.

"Henry, can you hear us?" Regina asked.

"He passed out as soon as his heart went into Pan." Baelfire said, looking more and more worried as it became clear Henry was not responding to us.

"Is he breathing?" I asked worriedly, looking down at Henry's body.

"I don't know." Baelfire said shakily.

I looked up as Pan descended down and stood in front of us.

"What the hell did you do to him?" I asked angrily, standing up and storming over to him.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, Claire. Henry gave me his heart by his own free will."

"Something in me snapped and I lunged towards Pan, trying to reach my hand into his chest. He grinned vanished, only to reappear a few feet away.

He grabbed Pandora's box and held it. "I don't think you have it in you." He taunted and I glared at him.

"Your fiance sure didn't. Why should you?" Pan continued, toying with the box in his hands.

I looked at the box and felt my heart sink. Rumple was trapped in the box and Pan was mocking me by rubbing it in.

"What did you do to him?" Baelfire asked angrily, coming to stand beside me.

"Oh, he's right in this box. Safe and sound. And out of the way. Unfortunately for you he can't hurt me anymore. And neither can any of you." Pan taunted.

Emma unsheathed her sword and slashed him across the arm.

"Oh really? How'd that feel?" Emma asked him, seeing the drops of blood on Pans arm.

"Like a tickle." Pan replied, then floated off, taking the box and Rumple with him.

"How is he?" Emma asked, looking back down at Regina, who was still trying to awake Henry.

"You're gonna be alright, Henry. We're gonna get you home." Regina told him.

Regina cast a preservation spell on Henry to try and buy us some time.

"This preservation spell can keep him in this condition for a while longer. Buy us time to get to Pan." Regina informed us.

"You were a Lost Boy. Any idea where he went?" Emma asked Baelfire.

"Well, I- I know where he lived. Where his compound is..."

"That's idiotic. We all know that. Think he's stupid enough to go back? Please." Regina snapped angrily.

"Enough." Emma told her.

"Don't tell me what's enough! My son is dying!"
Regina said, stepping towards Emma.

"Our son! So yes, I know how you feel!" Emma told her.

"You have no idea what I feel. You have your parents... this.. person-" Regina said tearfully gesturing to Baelfire. "A pirate who pines for you! You have everything and yet you claim to know how I feel? All I have is Henry and I'm not about to lose him because he is everything!"

Emma's eyes filled with tears and she grabbed Regina's hands.

"You're wrong. You have Claire. You have me. You have two people who love you, and you won't lose Henry. I promise to you that I will save our son." Emma told her.

At the mention of love, Regina looked surprised and her face softened.

She nodded and quickly wiped Emma's tears, then her own. I glanced over at Baelfire who was watching them with a small smile on his face. Maybe he wasn't in love with Emma after all. Maybe he could see that Regina was the person she needed the most.

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