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I immediately stood in front of Emma as Cora came into view.

"Don't talk to her, Emma." I warned and Emma gave me a strange look. "Now, Claire, is that anyway to speak to your grandmother?" Cora taunted, and I rolled my eyes.

"You were never my grandmother, you pyschopath." I hissed at her and she pretended to be offended.

"Grandmother?" Emma asked, looking shocked. I sighed. "Em, meet Regina's mother."

Emma immediately tensed, though she didn't seem too sure if Cora was a threat or not.

"Where are we?" Emma asked Cora, even though I was silently praying she'd quit speaking to her.

"It's a little island our captors like to think of as their haven." Cora responded. I scoffed at our captors.

I didn't believe she could be captured, especially since she was very powerful herself. Unless she'd somehow, lost her magic, she was definitely lying.

"Haven? From what?" Emma asked, looking confused. "The world's dangerous. What's left of it anyway." Cora replied.

"Well, they can't keep us down here. We haven't done anything wrong." Emma suggested and I sighed. "Yes they can. I'm their eyes, we're murderers. We may not be guilty, but someone in here is for sure." I said with a pointed glance at Cora.

"Look, I don't know what Regina told you, but I'm not a murderer. The apple fell very far from the tree." Cora said and I laughed.

"Yeah I'm sure it did. Just stay away from my family, Cora, or you won't be the only one guilty of murder."

Cora's eyes flashed at that, and if Emma had been looking at her, she might have gotten an idea of the darkness inside Cora.

I heard a groan and looked down to see Snow waking up. She saw Emma and I, then her eyes shifted to Cora. She was on her feet in seconds and standing in front of Emma like I was.

"Emma! No!" Snow scolded and Cora faked a smile. "Sweet Snow, you're awake. I'm so relieved. I've already had a reunion with your delightful sister, I'm afraid."

I rolled my eyes at that and glared at her. "Emma, look. As bad as you think Regina is, this woman is worse." Snow said, but Emma didn't look too convinced.

"Come on. Let's hear her out." Emma pleaded and Snow glanced over at me in frustration.

"Emma, you know that my instincts are never wrong, and they are telling me not to trust her, okay?" I told her, begging she would listen.

"Claire, right now we're at the bottom of a hole with no other options. And Henry is back in Storybrooke with Regina-"

"Who's Henry?" Cora asked and I mentally cursed. Great, now Cora knew who Henry was. "He's my son. I kind of share him with Regina. It's complicated." Emma stated and I groaned.

"Emma, stop telling her about Henry!" I said in frustration and Emma looked at me in shock. She'd never seen me get frustrated at her.

"Enough! Our leader requests an audience!" A male voice yelled from above. A rope was thrown down and Emma, Snow and I shared a worried glance before I began to climb up.

As soon as we reached the surface again, Emma and Snow were arguing.

"Why can't you just listen to me and your aunt?"

"Why couldn't you have trusted me? I was just trying to find a way to get us home. I could've handled her." Emma argued.

I kept my mouth shut, staying out of it.

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