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I opened my eyes to see Emma looking down at me. The memories came flooding back and I tried to sit up. I was surprised when I found there was no pain in my side.

I placed my hand on where I was shot and Emma grabbed my hand. "Gold healed you right after you fainted. We managed to get him to go to his shop until you woke up, but it was hard. He threatened to kill us if anything happened to you." Emma told me and I chuckled.

"Yeah, that sounds like him. Who was driving that car?" I asked, remembering the car that hit Hook.

"He's in the next room over. Hooks here too, but he's hidden. We're trying to figure out what to do with the guy who was driving the car. His name is Greg Mendell and he's a stranger. That means the-"

Emma trailed off and I nodded.

"The shield isn't up anymore. Anyone can come to Storybrooke now." I said.

"Yeah. There is some good news. You can leave as soon as we figure out what to do with him. We didn't want him to see you leaving so soon since he believes you were shot in the side." Emma informed me and I nodded.

"Can you get Rumple for me?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'll get someone to call him back here. I'm glad you're okay." Emma told me, grabbing my hand.

I smiled at her and squeezed her hand. "Thank you. So we're okay?" I asked her and she smiled. "Yes, more than okay." She told me, then headed from the room to go call Rumple.

I heard a man over the intercom calling for Dr. Whale repeatedly. I supposed Whale wasn't doing so well since the curse had been broken.

I thought back to last night's events. One good thing had come from them. Rumple and I both could cross the town line and keep our memories. That meant we could go together to find Baelfire.

The door creaked open and Rumple walked in. "Hey." I said with a smile and he grinned at me.

"Claire. Thank God you're alright." He said, walking over and kissing me on the cheek.

"Thank you for healing me." I said and he shook his head. "Don't thank me. You never have to thank me." He told me and I smiled. "Well you're going to have to get over it, Rumple. I'm naturally a very thankful person." I told him and he grinned.

"I'm sorry you have to delay your trip because of this. We could have been halfway there if it wasn't for me getting shot." I complained and he laughed. "You're more upset about the delay of our trip than the gunshot wound?" He asked me and I laughed.

"Maybe. It sounds ridiculous, I know." I told him.

"Well, when are you free to go?" He asked me.

"As soon as they figure out what to do with the guy who was driving that car." I told him.

"About him. He may have seen me healing you." Rumple said and I winced. "Maybe he has short term memory loss." I joked and Rumple laughed. "We can only hope for all our sakes. Hopefully Dr. Whale does his job and we can finally leave." Rumple complained.

"Yeah, whats up with Whale? By the way, I've been meaning to ask, who even is he?" I asked Rumple and he smirked.

"He is a scientist. He goes by Victor. I believe you've heard the story." Rumple told me and my mouth dropped.

"He's Frankenstein? And to think I-" I caught myself before I revealed my make out session with Whale that was from a serious lack of judgement. I remembered Snow's one night stand with him and wondered how she felt about it.

Rumple seemed to notice me stop myself, but thankfully didn't say anything.

I convinced Rumple to sit down in a nearby chair since we might be waiting for a while.

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