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I walked alongside Regina and looked over to notice how quiet she was. I knew she was still missing Henry and Emma, just like I was.

I felt like I was grieving so many different people at once. Three people I loved had been taken in one day.

"You're thinking about Henry, aren't you?" Snow asked, walking up to Regina and I.

"I'm always thinking about Henry. And I was also thinking there are tunnels that run under the castle. They may run under the spell." Regina stated.

I had a sudden memory of Snow and I playing in the tunnels as children. We'd once gotten lost and had to find our own way out. We were stuck for hours and when we finally emerged, our father was furious.

"Which means we can sneak an army inside." Charming spoke up.

"No, an army would be detected." Regina told him.

"Then how do the tunnels help us?" Snow asked her.

"Because they can get me inside. If I can get inside, then I can lower the shield. Then you can send in your army."

I jumped as a familiar shrieking sound was heard and a flying monkey swooped towards us.

"Incoming!" Bae called. Snow drew her bow, and I held up my hand, producing a fireball, as did Regina.

The monkey shoved Bae out of his path and flew directly at Robin's son, Roland, who was a few feet in front of us.



Regina rushed forward and gently pushed Roland towards Robin before using a spell to transform the monkey into a stuffed animal.

"See, not so scary. Now you have a toy." Regina said softly, handing the toy to Roland. I smiled at her slightly.

"Thank you." Robin told her, looking very grateful that she'd saved his son.

I stood beside Emma, Hook and Tinkerbell as Charming and Snow sat on the couch in the lobby of Granny's Inn.

Emma had brought Henry to a room and he had fallen asleep. Unfortunately for us, he had no memory of us. He just thought we were helping Emma with a case for her work.

"Okay Henry's asleep upstairs. When he wakes up, you three are helping me with the case." Emma told us.

I went to sit down as Emma did.

"So, what the hell happened here? I mean, besides the obvious." Emma said, gesturing to Snow's stomach.

"We don't know. We watched you drive over the town line. I remember feeling so..depressed. I grabbed Bae's hand and then Regina started to cast her spell. That's the last thing I remember."
I told Emma, who looked confused.

"And the next thing we remember is waking up in our beds like it was any other morning in Storybrooke." Charming told her.

"Except it clearly wasn't." Snow said, placing a hand on her stomach.

"Almost harvest time and you can't remember the planting. That's bad luck, mate." Hook told Charming, who glanced over at him in slight irritation.

"Clearly a years past. I was in New York. I know that it did." Emma told us.

"And we don't know where the hell we were. We don't know if we even left Storybrooke." Charming stated.

"You did. Hook and I were with you." Tinkerbell piped up.

"In the Enchanted Forest?" Snow asked.

"Regina's spell brought us back. We spent a brief time with a prince and princess named Phillip and Aurora. But Tink and I weren't feeling the community spirit, so we went off on our own. The last I saw of all you, you were heading to Regina's castle." Hook informed us.

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