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I walked through the jungle with Rumple and Regina. Rumple told us that he could use Pandora's box to lock Pan away.

"You really think this will work?" I asked Rumple.

"I can only hope."

"It will work. It has to." Regina told the both of us.

"We'll save Henry, Regina. Don't worry." I assured her.

"I know, I just miss him."

"Of course you do. He's your son."

"Speaking of sons, how come you're not with yours? You realize he could have a way off the island." Regina told Rumple.

"I know that. And the next time I'll see him, I'll be reuniting father and son."

That reply put an end to the conversation and we continued on our journey in silence.

It soon reached night and we reached near a lagoon. We walked through the foliage only to find Emma, Bae, Snow, Charming, Hook and Tinkerbell with their weapons drawn.

"It's us!" I told them quickly as Regina, Rumple and I walked towards him.

"You didn't tell me that my father was with her." Baelfire muttered to Emma in a low voice.

"I didn't know."

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tinkerbell asked.

"Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry." Baelfire said, and Rumple looked hurt. Why didn't Baelfire want Rumple near Henry?


"Why? What're you talking about?" Emma asked Baelfire.

"There's a prophecy that says Henry will be his undoing. He didn't come here to protect Henry. He came here to kill him."

I glanced at Rumple in shock. I didn't know what to believe anymore. Could Rumple really hurt Henry?

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back? So he wouldn't spill your secret?" Regina asked, looking betrayed as she stepped back from Rumple.

"Everything I did was to protect Henry, to rescue him from Pan." Rumple defended himself.

But I knew from everyone's faces that they didn't believe him. It only took me seeing that for me to believe him myself. Rumple told me he was different and I believed him. And I wasn't going to stand aside while they all blamed Rumple.

"It all makes sense. You left before we even made shore." Emma said, looking angrier by the second.

Snow raised her bow and pointed it at Rumple.

"You wanted to get to Henry first.."

Charming pulled out his sword. "To be on his own..."

Hook stepped forward, also drawing his sword. "So no one could stop you."

"So you can kill him." Regina added, looking betrayed as she eyed Rumple.

"It's not gonna happen, not unless you wanna go through all us first." Emma remarked and I stepped quickly in front of Rumple.

"Stop! Everybody just stop!" I said angrily, holding up my hands.

"You're on his side? Against your own family?" Emma asked me in shock.

"There are no sides. Rumple will not hurt Henry. He told me he came here to save Henry, and I believe him. Now I don't care what grudges you have against him. If you take one more step towards him, I won't hold back." I warned them all.

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