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I smiled as I looked out at the buildings in the city. I'd never been to New York before, only having seen Boston and Storybrooke since the curse. We were in a can currently traveling through New York City in the way to Manhattan.

Henry looked fascinated as well and was smiling hugely. Emma was watching him with a small smile on her own face. The only person who wasn't smiling was Rumple, but he was just very nervous.

The taxi stopped in front of an apartment building and we stepped out.

"Is this the place?" Emma asked Rumple, noticing how uneasy he looked.

"This is it." He said.

"Let me guess, he's not expecting you." Emma said and Rumple nodded.

"Well, who doesn't love a surprise?" Emma asked and I made a face. I didn't think Baelfire wasn't going to be too fond of this particular surprise.

We walked into the apartment building and began looking at the room names with the intercoms beside them.

"No Baelfire." Henry piped up as we looked at the names.

"Yeah that wouldn't fly as an alias." Emma said, then glanced at Rumple.

"Your magic globe didn't give you an apartment number?" She asked him. I looked at him in confusion. "Magic globe? What magic globe?" I asked and he looked away guiltily. When had he procured a magic globe? It had to have been when I was unconscious in the hospital. And if he did, why wouldn't he tell me?

"Do any of these names mean anything to you?" Henry asked Rumple.

"Well, names are what I traffic in, but sadly no." Rumple added.

Emma pointed to a space where there was no name beside the apartment number.

"There's your boy." She said.

"No. Or it could just be vacant." Rumple argued, but Emma shook her head.

"You may traffic in names and magic, but I traffic in finding people that don't want to be found, and those sort of folks don't like to advertise their whereabouts." Emma said, then pressed the buzzer.

"UPS package for 407." Emma spoke but the line disconnected.

"Maybe you should've said Fed-Ex." Henry said just as we heard a loud clank.

We walked outside to see a man climbing down the fire escape and running through the streets. Baelfire was escaping.

"He's running." Emma said and Rumple looked concerned.

"That favor you owe me. This is it. Get him to talk to me. I can't run." Rumple said, gesturing to his cane. Emma noddef and looked at Henry. "Watch Henry. I'll be back." She said, before taking off after Rumple's son.

Rumple and I shared a look before I looked down at Henry.

"Can I get a hotdog?" He asked and I smiled. "Sure, come on." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder as we walked to the nearby hotdog stand.

Rumple handed the man the money and we continued to walk down the street.

"Don't worry, Emma's really good at catching people." Henry told Rumple.

"Well, my sons been running away for a very long time now. And I have a feeling he's equally adept at it." Rumple told Henry.

"Well, at least we found him, right?" He asked and Rumple smiled slightly. "Indeed."

I could see Rumple had a soft spot for Henry and it made me smile.

"Oh and thanks for the hotdog. I forgot." Henry said and Rumple and I shared a grin.

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