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I stood outside of the hospital room where Snow had been placed. Regina and Emma were also there with me, and the three of us had just conducted a protection spell. 

"You really think this protection spell will be enough to hold her off?" Emma asked Regina and I. I glanced at Regina for the answer because at the moment I was too distracted with worry for Snow to even think. It didn't help that I could feel a fraction of the pain Snow was feeling and let's just say, it wasn't comfortable. 

"It  depends, if your brand of magic is stronger than hers. If it is, no one wielding dark magic will be able to get in here." 

"That doesn't sound like a vote of confidence." Emma stated and Regina sighed. "It isn't. but we're out of options." 

"Swan? I heard the little royal was on his way." Hook remarked as he walked up to us. Emma immediately looked pissed and she had reason to. Apparently Zelena cursed Hook's lips with a curse to take away Emma's magic. Now why Zelena thought that Hook's lips would ever come close to Emma's... I had no clue. Regina must have been thinking this too, as she rolled her eyes when Hook reached us. 

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to be here right now." Emma told him.

"I want to help." 

"If you really wanted to help, you would have told me when Zelena cursed your lips."

"I had no choice, okay? She threatened you and your family and I was just trying to help. I don't even understand why she cursed my lips and not Regina's." Hook remarked and Regina stiffened. 

"And why would she curse mine?"

"Oh, come on. It's pretty obvious something is going on between the two of you. Apparently your sister doesn't pay much attention, or she would've noticed." Hook replied and Emma and Regina both looked away from him. 

"You still should have told me." Emma insisted and Hook sighed. "It would have been the death sentence for your boy." 

"Henry's safety is my concern, not yours, which is why I'm taking this fight to Zelena. This ends today." Emma claimed before walking off. Regina and I shared a glance. Emma sure was determined, but was it enough to stop Zelena? I wasn't sure. 

Hook ended up being forced by Charming to join Emma on her mission, which I could tell Regina wasn't thrilled about. Now it was just a matter or waiting. Waiting for the baby to arrive and waiting for all hell to break loose. It seemed like both were happening on the same day. 

I knocked on the door to Snow's room and Charming opened it cautiously. 

"Claire. Come in." Snow stated from the hospital bed. I didn't like the way her voice sounded - weak and strained from yelling in pain. 

"Snow. How are you feeling?" I asked her, going to stand by her bedside. Snow laughed lightly. 

"I thought it would be easier the second time." 

"Well, that's what you get for thinking." I joked and and she had enough strength to shove me playfully. 

"What do you think it will be? Boy or girl?" Snow asked me and I closed my eyes and thought for  a moment. Everything was screaming boy to me. "A prince." I told her, which made her smile. 

"Whatever the baby is, it will be perfect." Charming assured Snow, taking her hand and I smiled at the two of them. It made me sort of sad as well to watch the two of them, knowing Rumple was under the grasp of Zelena. I only wished he was here.

Snow groaned in pain then and I winced. "Should I get Dr. Whale?" I asked Charming as Snow's groans turned into pained yells. Charming nodded and I rushed to the door, only to find Whale already there. "Claire, you'll have to go." Whale told me quickly. I nodded and went to leave, but Snow yelled, "No!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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