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I watched as Emma used a stick to draw a plan on the sand. The five of us gathered around the fire.

Tinker Bell was a few feet away, placing some things in her bag. Hook was standing a few feet away.

I was off in my own world, thinking of Rumple. Where was he? I knew he was grieving Baelfire, and I knew how painful it was for him.

I just wished I could be there for him. I suspected he left so that he could be alone. Maybe he wanted to sacrifice himself for Henry. Either way, I didn't want to be without him anymore.

"This is where they're keeping Henry. Pan's compound. According to, uh-" Emma trailed off, glancing at Tinker Bell.

"Tinker Bell."

"Yeah, I know. Still weird to say." Emma told her and I smiled slightly.

"Tink is fine." Tinker Bell told her.

"Not sure that's any better. Anyway, she says that there are sentries positioned across the front-" Emma said, tapping her stick onto a certain place in her map.

"Which is why we're gonna come in through the back entrance here. She's gonna talk her way in. Once she makes sure the coast is clear, then we are going to sneak on in." Emma told us.

"You'll still have to deal with any lost boys once you're inside." Tinker Bell warned us.

"I think we can handle a few children with pointy sticks." Regina said.

"It's not the sticks you need to worry about. It's the poison they're dipped in."

Of course, the same poison Hook told us about. The poison he used to attack Rumple.

"Dreamshade, Hook warned us." Snow told her.

"Good, because one nick and you'll spend the last of.."

"Poison sticks equal death. We got it." Charming snapped.

I glanced over at him. He was sweating still, more than any of us had been, and he looked pale. Not to mention, he'd been acting oddly. Something was wrong.

"Now when can we put this rescue mission into action?" He asked.

"I'm ready to go, just as you tell me the exit plan. You do have an escape plan, don't you?" Tinker Bell asked.

I was sure we did not. I was also concerned about Rumple. How were we going to find him and bring him back with us?

"It's more of a last minute trip." Emma told her.

"If you don't have a way off this island, none of it matters." Tinker Bell said.

"We'll figure it out." Regina said.

Tinker Bell looked annoyed.

"You'll figure it out? No one comes and goes from this place unless he allows it. This is a waste of time."

"Hey, when it comes to family, we always find a way." Charming told her.

"You don't get it. Here. Let me show you something." Tinker Bell said, pulling a watch from her bag.

"You know what this is?" She asked.

"Yeah, a watch." Emma said.

"I got it from the people who brought your son here for Pan." Tinker Bell said.

I wondered what Greg and Tamara were up to. They better hope they weren't hurting Henry. 

"Greg and Tamara? Where are they. Why'd they give you that?" Emma asked her.

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