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The Enchanted Forest
One year ago...

I rushed into the castle gates on my horse, stopping outside of the doors. I climbed down and took a deep breath. I'd just returned from escaping Zelena and now I had to tell my family what I knew.

I tried to ignore the pain in my heart at the torment I knew Rumple was going through as I walked through the castle. I reached Snow's room and walked in, seeing there was quite a crowd. Snow, Charming and Regina were there, along with Aurora and Phillip.

"Claire!" Snow yelled in relief as she saw me, rushing to hug me. I hugged her back, happy to see her again, but sensing something was different about her.

"Are you okay? Where is Neal?" Snow asked me as I hugged Regina as well.

"We went off to see if we could revive Rumple."

"What happened?" Regina asked me.

"Bae was able to resurrect him, at- at the cost of his own life." I stated, feeling tears fill my eyes.

"Rumplestiltskin is alive?" Regina asked me. "Neal is dead." Snow stated in shock.

"I think so." I told them and they glanced at me. "To which?" Regina asked me.

"Both. When Rumple saw that Bae was dying, he absorbed him using the last magic he had. Zelena got ahold of the dagger. She controls him now."

"Maybe now isn't the time to announce the pregnancy. Regina is right. It's too dangerous." Aurora stated.

"Pregnancy?" I asked in surprise, then glanced at Snow. "You're pregnant?"

"I am. And we have to announce it, if we don't, we give into fear. If we do, we give the kingdom what they need : hope."

"We don't even know what this Wicked Witch wants." Charming stated.

"Well, she must want something that requires a lot of power if she took control of Rumple." I told him.

"Actually, we do know what she wants. She wants your baby." Aurora admitted.

"She came to us when you were gone. Threatened us and our unborn child, unless we told her when you arrived in our land." Phillip added and Snow looked concerned.

"She thinks your baby could be important. I'm so sorry, she said she'd hurt us." Aurora stated, just as a gush of wind filled the room. I looked up to see Zelena flying on a broomstick above us.

"And I make good on my promises."

With a wave of her hand, Phillip and Aurora were turned into flying monkeys.

"What do you want with our baby?" Snow yelled.

"Calm down, sweetie. You don't want to go into early labor." Zelena stated, stunning Snow into place.

"Stay away from my wife." Charming warned, drawing his sword. Zelena stunned him in place as well.

"Oh someone's testy."

"I'll show you testy." I stated, stepping forward and raising my hand at her, producing a fireball at once.

"Huh. Guess it works best when I'm pissed." I remarked, looking at the fireball.

My magic seemed to be testy as well, as it disappeared after a moment. Regina stepped forward and used her magic to try and choke Zelena, who laughed and stunned her immediately. She flew down and stepped off her broom, walking up to Snow.

"Now lets see if this was all worth it. Yes, yes it was. This child will do quite nicely. So, take good care of it for me. Don't forget to eat well. I will be back for your happy day. And what's yours will be mine."

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