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I looked over as Regina pulled on her boots and stood up. She seemed to have recuperated in the last hour.

I snuck a worried glance at Rumple, who was leaning against the wall, looking heartbroken still.

Emma had told Henry the news and it had been hard to watch as Henry cried.

It wasn't fair that Rumple lost his son and Henry lost his father only just after finding him again.

Regina walked into the room to see Henry. "Henry!" She said and he rushed over. "Mom!"

They hugged and Emma watched sadly. I knew she was still in shock from losing Baelfire.

I nearly lost my balance when an earthquake hit, shaking the floor of the apartment.

"Regina is that-" Emma asked and Regina nodded.

"Yes, they've activated the diamond." Regina said.

"So we're all going to die." Henry stated and I glanced back to Rumple. The sad thing was he looked like he accepted it.

"You were born here, so you'll live." Regina told Henry sadly.

It brought some comfort knowing Henry would survive this, but at the same time, I wasn't ready to die. I didn't want to lose my family.

"But I'll be alone." Henry said and I saw tears on Emma's face.

"No, I can't let that happen." Emma said, then glanced at Regina.

"You did this, now make it stop." She said.

"I can't, there's no way." Regina told her.

"Well, figure it out! It's your fault!" Emma said in a raised voice.

"Stop! I've already lost my dad. I don't want to lose anybody else. We have to work together." Henry told the two of them.

I looked over to the door to see Hook walking in. He saw Rumple was there but for some reason, he didn't do anything.

Rumple wouldn't even look at him, he wouldn't even look at anyone. He seemed lost in his own pain.

"From the mouth of babes, I'd say the lad has a point." Hook said, making his presence known.

Charming leaned forward and punched him in the face. To Hook's credit, he could take a punch. He fell back a step but didn't fall.

"That was for the last time we met." Charming told him, then pulled out his gun.

"Tell us why you're here before I use something other than my fist." He warned him.

"I think threatening to kill me seems a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyway." Hook told him.

"Yeah, no thanks to you. Regina and Claire told us you were working with Greg and Tamara to get your revenge." Emma told him.

Hook glanced to Rumple. "Yet I'm right here in the same room with the crocodile and I haven't made any moves to kill him."

"We don't have time for this. We have a real problem." Emma told him.

"Which is why I'm here. Staring death in the face has made me realize if there's one thing I want more than my revenge, it's my life. So should we start this thing now and then resume bickering?" Hook asked her.

Emma rolled her eyes at him, as did Regina. I could see they both didn't like him too much.

"There is no stopping it. And the best thing I can do is slow it down, but that will only delay the inevitable." Regina told him.

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