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Smoke covered the sky as dozens of bombs fell from above, destroying almost half of the earth.

The war was at its final stages.

No one left a single stone unturned to win this war. Illegal goods, human trafficking, abductions, murders, human experiments, everything was fair.

Human experiments, especially.

"Eagle 01 What's your position? Why is your transmission so weak?"

The commander's voice echoed from the walkie as Evi looked straight towards the gunpoint.

" Is this how you plan to survive Ren? By betraying your side?" Evi said through her gritted teeth.

The man gripped the gun even harder, as tears fell from his eyes. He didn't want to kill her. The person with whom he had spent most of his pathetic life.

But he didn't seem to find any other way. He knew Evi would never stop fighting. Unless she lost every part of her life, she would not give up, and he could not bear to see her like that" You think following the Captain's orders is going to save us? Or getting experimented on is going to make us invincible?" Ren cocked the gun, still pointing towards Evi.

" Betraying our side isn't going to save you either" Evi grunted as she tried to get up, but Ren had already shot down her legs and arms. She knew Ren wanted to run away, but never wanted to accompany him. She didn't want to accept humanity's defeat. She prayed, to the non existent god for just one miracle, just one ray of hope, that would save them from the impending doom.

" I know. Nothing can save us. Except death." Ren pushed the gun in Evi's forehead. " Goodbye Evi. Let's meet on the other side where we can be happier"


" Get up Evi... you need to live"

" Huh? But I am just sleeping"

" Wake up Evi... or else you will die"

" Ugh, please. 5 minutes more"

" Get up, NOW"

Evi shot open her eyes and choked. All her breath was gone as she couldn't even wrap her head around the fact that she wasn't dead. Or rather, that she was currently drowning.

Her mind couldn't even make a single decision, whether to swim or to let go, but soon few pairs of arms wrapped around her own and pulled her out.

Evi violently coughed as her lungs atlast got access to air. She hurled almost instantly and collapsed, onto the people who just saved her.

" What the..."

" He's..... " Evi could hear a few voices. As her eyes adjusted to the bright light, she focused onto the five heads staring at her.

" Shit-" Evi shot up and punched the person right in front of her. As the five people got stunned, she rolled back and pulled out her revolver. " Stay back!"

" Owww" The man screamed in agony as his nose bled from the attack. One of the men stood in anger and approached her.

" Stay BACK!" She screamed but to no vain. As the man got too close she shot him in the leg.

" Owwwww" The man doubled down as the three men ran over to support him from falling down.

"I am telling you to stay back, or else I will kill you" Evi threatened just as she came out of her trance. " Wait what the hell?"

Evi noticed the five men. They were not in their war trainers. In fact they weren't in any imaginable clothing at all.

" Rishis?" She blurted out.

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