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Evi rode the chariot, with Shikhandini at the reins, still unknown as to what she was supposed to do. The ride was silent, and Evi felt weirded out. 

" Are you angry with me Rajkumari?" Evi suddenly blurted out.

" What?" Shikhandini was taken aback by the sudden question. " Why would you ever think that?"

" I mean... you were quite against the punishment. Do you not want me to be included in your work?'

" WHAT? No its not that. I just didn't want you to be punished. You were the victim. I cannot fathom why Vasudev Krishna would ever suggest something like that to my father"

" Ah.. ok then" Evi let out a sigh of relief. She have had her fair share of roaming around with people who did not like her.

As the duo reached the edge of the forest, Shikhandini and Evi left the chariot in care of few soldiers and left on foot. With them, they carried an empty palki, although filled with food for the road.

Shikhandini carried the front bar of the palki while Evi carried the back one.

" We were given a lot of instructions by the pandit. He asked us to walk on feet, no matter how long it took, to and from the temple where his wife is praying. He said we could ride till the edge of the forest, but from there, and then from temple back to the palace, we need to be on foot. Plus, all the volunteers need to be women. I first decided to take one of my soldiers, but thought that maybe you would want to get out of the palace for sometime" Shikhandini explained.

" We have only met once and still you assumed the correct thing about my preferences. I would have LOVED to get some time off from all that royal bling" Evi humored.

" Haha... I know. You and I are not only similar in looks, but also minds. But you are obviously more experienced" Shikhandini said as she tried to look back.

" No way. You are a commander of a big kingdom. I am just a stray cat that Krishna found on his way" Evi laughed. 

After walking for a few kilometers, Shikhandini's shoulders gave up. The two were in a silent competition, as to who would get tired first, and even though Evi did try to act tired to let it be easy on Shikhandini, she knew that her guest was lying. They both unmounted the palki and started taking out the food that they had carried in it.

" Eating after work makes the food taste so much better" Shikhandini said as she stuffed her mouth with rice and sabji.

" Yes... even if the side dish is bhindi" Evi said as she did the same.

They ate half of their dishes just when they sensed a few people approaching.

" Rishis?" Evi felt a deja vu moment, just when she realised who had just appeared in front of them.


"So you're prince Yudhishthir?" Shikhandini asked quizzically. In front of her was an under nourished lanky man with unkempt beard and hair.

Evi was still shocked when she saw how easily Shikhandini had recognised them. "Well I never forget my enemies" is what she whispered to Evi when she noticed her shocked face. Evi smirked at her comment but soon realised, that this small encounter could change the original Mahabharata.

"I know our appearances are unsatisfactory, but yes, we are the Pandavas and I am Prince Yudhishthir"

Evi scoffed as to agree to the remark. They looked nothing like normal city people, let alone royalty.

"So for about a year you all have been living like this? Why didn't you go back?" Shikhandini questioned.

"And become prey to another one of the Kauravas' plans? No thank you" Arjun sneered.

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