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"Don't make me kill a relative of Hastinapur, Rajkumar" Shakuni sneered.

The two Kauravas had already left, leaving Drishthdyumn alone with Shakuni in the room, shackled to the ground.

"Then how about you don't BAIT MY SISTER!?"

Shakuni didn't say anything but instead went over to a guard.

"If your sister wanted to be protected, she should have gotten married to my nephew".

"Huh? How dare you say that!? My sister is too good for your good-for-nothing NEPHEW!" Drishthdyumn screamed. "Just wait and watch, I and jiji would burn this whole palace down if you even touch a hair of Draupadi!"

Shakuni scoffed at Drishthdyumn's threat. Such stuff didn't faze him anymore.

"Do you know Rajkumar, where we are right now?" He asked casually as he poured himself a glass a water.

Drishthdyumn went blank as the sudden change of tone didn't suit his previous threat.

"This was the place where I was kept along with my brothers and father after we rejected our sister's hand to Dhritarashtra"

".... Huh?" Drishthdyumn asked in confusion.

"What do you think happened here? I am sure you have a good nose"

Drishthdyumn shifted uncomfortably. The room didn't feel welcoming. It was dark, almost as if it was a torture room. The floor was muddy and the air was stiff. "I don't..know"

"Good. It's better if you don't. I cannot tell it to you, you see, I am bound by a promise" he stuck out his tongue to show a black symbol, like a seal. "Plus, its of no use, but I just wanted to tell you, that the imminent doom you sense here, its REAL. But as a previous occupier of this chamber, I feel I should give you a chance. If you promise to not create any problems after I let you go, I will let you go"

"Do you really think that's a bargain?" Drishthdyumn spat, " You may bargain your sister to a blind king but I WOULD NEVER leave my sister"

Shakuni stiffened. If not for the dark, Drishthdyumn would have surely seen his burning rage. But being the weaker one in almost all cases, Shakuni knew, he needed to control his anger.

"Whatever suits you Rajkumar" he limped towards the exit, "by the way, I hope you like your stay here, for eternity".

The hours passed by excruciatingly slow. For some reason, Drishthdyumn felt more thirsty than ever. Something was up with the air, it made him feel claustrophobic even though he had been trained to live in small caves for days.

"Didn't Gandhar have hundred sons? Did he mean....all hundred of them, along with their Pitashree, were kept in here?" Drishthdyumn's eyes wandered as he was held at one place by the shackles.

The room was enough.... for a single person.

"I am alone here, with two guards outside the room.... But I still feel out of air. If hundred of men were kept here.... No no. Ofcourse not. He was lying.... Right?" His mind went to the seal on Shakuni's tongue. It looked like someone burned the symbol onto his tongue. "Don't think about those stuff Dristh... Think about your escape plan!"

He tugged at the shackles, punched at the holders and even tried to gnaw his hands out. But nothing happened.

As more time passed by, he wondered what will be left of him. His body was covered with sweat, his eyes blurred due to the lack of air. But suddenly, he heard someone come into the room.

"Leave the room. I will talk to him in private" Duryodhan's voice made Drishthdyumn adjust his eyes.

Duryodhan waited for a few seconds for the servants to leave, and then turned to Drishthdyumn who was already shooting daggers at him with his stares.

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