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"DIDI!!!!!!" A woman in her mid twenties ran across her apartment to wake up her older sister. "DIDI THE BOX OPENED!!!!"

The alarm in the older woman's room hadn't yet gone off, so the probability of her waking was very bleak. But the younger sister was stubborn. She shook her sibling, almost throwing off the visor over her sister's eyes that helped her have a good night's sleep. 

As the older sister's eyes opened, the visor displayed, 


5098 PB 56 DYS 5:36 AM ' 

" Its 5 am Riri.... I have work today-"

" Didi you are on vacation PLUS THE FUCKING BOX OPENED!" The younger sister, Riri hit Kiki on the shoulder in excitement as well as frustration.

"Box...?" The older woman rubbed her eyes as the visor opened. She slowly turned her head towards the noise. "What box are you ta- THE BOX HAS OPENED!?????"

"YES! YES! YES!!!!! COME WITH ME NOW!!!"  Riri, pulled her half sleepy older sister back to the storeroom, in middle of which, sat a box made out of ebony and laced with gold.

"OH MY ...... THIS HAS TO BE A DREAM" the older sister exclaimed as she slowly inspected the box.

"IT'S NOT! BELIEVE ME I CHECKED EVERYTHING!" Riri pulled out a gadget. "My brain waves are alright, my bp is apt, my heart rate is obviously increased because I cannot believe this happened at last, and my ecg is working great-"

"Ok stop stop, I didn't ask for that much info" Kiki groaned. "But THIS.... I mean... This is huge isn't it? Our ancestors must be relieved" she smiled, "their wishes will atlast be heeded to"

"What if we can't?" Riri asked, her mind turning to every possibility, "what if we can't complete their wishes didi?"

"Let's not be pessimistic right now" Kiki looked inside the box.

It had too many things, but two of them laid on top of everything else, a letter and a card.

"Well, it does look simple" Riri said as she came closer to the box and waited for her sister to pull out its contents.

Kiki opened the letter first, and gave the card to Riri to inspect.

"This is written in Hindi" Kiki explained, "old version"

"ILA!!!" Riri called as a robot appeared quickly in between the two.

" What help can I be of today, Ms. Riri? " the helper robot inquired.

" Translate the letter and print it out"

" Ok. Initiating translation. Estimated time, 1 minute"

" That's a thick letter" Kiki said as she handed the letter to ILA. "Should we give the card to ALI for inspection?"

"The material of the card is plastic. ALI will probably recognise it as foreign contamination. However...." Riri opened her X-ray vision and scanned the card, "this card is probably like our keys. They open doors"

"Oooh... I wonder what door it will open" Kiki laughed, "didn't dad say that we will have to rescue someone?"

"Oh I hope they're hot" Riri smiled making both the girls laugh.

" Translation complete. Print out over" ILA handed over the pages and inactivated by itself.

"How did it get even more thick?" Kiki said as she looked at the letter of 6 pages. Front and back.

" Just start reading it. We have our days off so its not like we have better things to do"


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