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udhishthir didn't heed to Dusshala but still froze in his spot as Jarasandh spinned Shikhandini in between them, holding his sword at her neck.

"One wrong move, and your wife's blood will be splattered all over" Jarasandh threatened as Yudhishthir slowly retreated to his place, not being able to meet his wife's gaze.

"Very manly of you to use a woman as shield Magadhraj" Shikhandini hissed back as she elbowed Jarasandh, freeing herself from his grip.

"Ah-" Jarasandha rubbed his chest, but the grin didn't falter, " I will forgive this, Rajkumari, as right now, you're not the one I desire" his gaze went to Dusshala.

" Rajkumari what are you doing here!?" Jayadrath screamed, his eyes widening in fear and shock.

" Didn't you tell me that Rajkumari Dusshala didn't accompany Duryodhan?" Jarasandh approached Jayadrath, the latter shivering un fear.

" Uh.... I.... I...." Jayadrath stammered, his knees growing weak as every second passed by. " I am SORRY MAGADHNARESH! But I couldn't have my future wife be humiliated in my own court like this!"

" Humiliated?" Duryodhan's said as he looked between Jarasandh and Jayadrath. " What is the meaning of all this Jayadrath?"

" You told me you will free my kingdom if I presented you with the Pandavas and Kauravas, and I did!" Jayadrath didn't even heed to Duryodhan, " please spare me!"

" What do you mean by this! WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Duryodhan stood up and approached Jarasandha, " tell me right now or else your death will be by my hands"

" Didn't you listen to your sister?" Jarasandha returned the stare, " if you kill me, you'll die too... You wouldn't want to die as a Yuvraj would you?"

Duryodhan bit back his anger. He looked at his sister who was making her way down to the Sabha, and then to Jayadrath.

Shikhandini and the two younger Pandavas eyed the situation, confusion and fear constricting their chests. Jarasandh knew, having so many people in the Sabha would prove to play against him, thus he ordered the guards to just let the three be escorted outside the palace, in the jail.

Duryodhan panicked as he noticed the gaze Jarasandh had on his sister, as he remembered that she was the one who tricked them to stop their attack on Hastinapur. "Is this all.... A revenge on her?"

He didn't have any other choice, he needed to make his last bet. Yudhishthir had nothing more to lose, and he didn't have faith on him either.

" Dussashan... brace yourself" Duryodhan breathed out as the younger Kaurava froze at his spot. Not that he didn't trust his older brother, but it was clear as crystal at that point that the game was rigged.

As Dussashan waited for his Jyesth to bet him, instead Duryodhan let out a deep sigh and stated, "I bet myself. This is the last bet. If I win, I will leave with Evi and everything I have lost"

" Fine by me" Jarasandha smirked, " Let's roll the dice"

Duryodhan fell on his knees, as him and Yudhishthir both were tied by ropes as instructed by Jarasandh.

Both were defeated till they were left lifeless, and thus they didn't even comprehend that the ropes that were that from Evi's arm, and not just the ordinary ones.

"How-" Dusshala interjected, "how do you know..... how to use Evi's weapons?"

Jarasandha gave a sly grin and looked at Shakuni, "you Kauravas had a weapon among yourself, a mind that could compete against that Cowherd, but you all decided to betray it ".

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