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" And what happened during the week?" Evi asked as the sun came down. She had already told the maids to not interfere, so the room just got darker as the night approached with no lamps lit.

" Hahahah" Parvati laughed. " Believe me when I say that THAT week was the most dramatic week I have ever seen in this family till now"

" You all keeping tabs on this family?" Evi scrunched her nose. " Creeps"

" We all keep tabs on a lot of families" Parvati defended, " But even you will be shocked to listen to what happened"

" Let me guess, something happened with Duryodhan, Yudhishthir and Shikhandini?" Evi let out a sigh.

" Correct!" Parvati exclaimed. " But it wasn't THAT simple. If anything, your life will be getting more confusing from now on"

" Well you all aren't letting me die... so I guess I will have to suffer through" Evi clutched her head. " And don't beat around the bush. Don't act friendly. Just answer my question"

Parvati huffed but complied. It wasn't that she was acting friendly, it was just who she was. Evi's demeanor pricked her, but she decided to let go. No one had ever talked to her like that, as most humans would melt at her words, but Evi was adamant on making it clear, that she wasn't going to give in. " You are just always going to see everything that Gods do as a manipulation technique from now on, aren't you?"

" Till I am alive, yes" Evi stated. " Now speak"


Draupadi sat on the stairs that led to the beautiful garden in the hearth of the Hastinapur mahal. With the darkness creeping in and the cold breeze making her shiver, she felt even more lonely. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she remembered her time with Evi back in Panchal, how happy and free she felt under her shadow. " Why cannot she accept me!" Draupadi whined just when she felt someone's footsteps approaching her.

Through the tear welled eyes, she looked at Arjun whose face was marred by concern. She tried to stand up to greet him and eventually leave, but Arjun asked,

" What happened Rajkumari?" 

His voice was like honey, his eyes almost encapsulating her in a dream. But just then, a voice in her head repeated, " You were born for him. You can never outrun your destiny, Rajkumari".

" N-nothing" she stammered but before she could turn around and leave, Arjun got hold of her wrist. 

" Rajkumari, I can see the distress on your face" He let go of her hand as he composed himself. " I understand after what happened at the swayamvar, you probably hate us Pandavas, but I assure you Rajkumari, we will always try to put your sister first"

" Even when she harmed your Pitamah?" Draupadi snapped. Even though his presence made her heart flutter, his words were as hypocritical as any man trying to woo a woman. 

Arjun shifted uncomfortably at his place, not knowing what to say. He was usually good with words, but the situations weren't good enough to be pacified just by it. " She was trying to protect Devika"

Evi's name made Draupadi feel a pang of pain. Her emotions were clear on her face, as she wasn't yet accustomed to hiding her true feelings behind a facade.

" Is Devika... the cause of your distress?" Arjun asked cautiously.

" And what if she is? What are YOU going to do?" Draupadi retorted back as tears again welled up in her eyes.

" I am here to lend an ear Rajkumari" Arjun made Draupadi sit back as he too crouched down beside her. It didn't take much persuasion before Draupadi spilled everything to Arjun, from the moment she met Evi to the moment she broke her heart.

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