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After another distressing day of journey, the group finally reached the gates of Hastinapur.

Stay beside Draupadi. This was the order given by Shikhandini to Evi, which she was going to religiously follow. 

Throughout the journey, especially after the unfortunate mishap the first day, Evi spent the whole time with the two sisters. She realised that for her, Pandavas meant problem.

As the procession entered Hastinapur, they were showered with flowers, which made Evi miss an umbrella. However, such zeal on people's faces made her wonder one thing, why do they love the royalty so much?

 Pandavas never served the kingdom, except the small amount of time when Yudhishthir was Yuvraj. Why do these people like the Pandavas then? " Evi made a mental note to survey the masses. She needed to know, what did Yudhishthir do, that Duryodhan couldn't. "  Don't think about Duryodhan Evi... Don't meddle with Hastinapur's business" Evi scolded herself just when she remembered Arjun and the twin's description of what happened after she fainted at the swayamvar.

"Why did he do so?" Evi wondered as one possibility came into her mind. In the end, she WAS hundreds of years old. Why a man is being soft towards a woman isn't that hard to figure out, and it made her feel icky. 

As they reached the palace, Evi almost broke her neck trying to view its magnificence. Even during her actual life, such a craftsmanship wasn't there. Sure, temples and all were pretty great, but this was something else.

Suddenly her criticising mind thought "imagine what they could have done with the money instead if they used it for public welfare"

Evi started a mental fight among herself which got broken as Draupadi locked her arms with her. "I am kinda scared" she whispered.

"I am scared too" Evi replied as her heart thumped against her ribs. She got accustomed to the Princes, but still there were many people who she has read about. And anticipating their demeanor wasn't something that made Evi calm.

"Its ok Evi, you can do it" Evi muttered under her breath as she saw Shikhandini go up the stairs with the Pandavas and Kunti, to greet the rest of the family. "Let's go" she tugged Draupadi along with her, and stood behind Shikhandini.

"Woah" Evi looked at SHEER number of men standing in front of her. The Kauravas and the elders. Dozens of men wasn't something new to her, but so many of them laden in gold, with crowns, and standing just at the entrance to greet the Kulvadhu was something she had never witnessed before.

Her eyes wandered off as she saw someone wave to her.

Dussashan had seen her and started waving instantly as Karna too did the same. She noticed that Duryodhan was going to follow, but midway decided not to, as he awkwardly stood with his arm raised half way.

Evi waved back, but so did Draupadi.

"You are friends with them?" Evi asked, as the last time these five were at one place, it ended in bloodshed.

"Of course. When you were out cold, I and Dussashan took care of you. Rajkumar Duryodhan too asked about you sometimes but he kept it very short as he was a suitor and it would have been improper. Angraj Karna on the other hand tried to ask Govind but gave up because Govind wasn't ever around. Weird. You're his fianceé but he's never around you" Draupadi as usual got off track but Evi got her answer.

"They are buddies now. Well that's great" she wondered. " Wait, did Duryodhan carry me to impress Draupadi?"

Evi started wondering what would happen if Draupadi married Duryodhan but was quickly pulled out of the trance as she saw Yudhishthir hold Shikhandini's hand discreetly.

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