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It was midnight when Evi was ordered to leave for Khandavprastha by Yudhishthir.

"Are you sure?" Evi asked Yudhishthir but he didn't answer. Of course he wasn't sure, but he couldn't lie either. "Did you ask the Maharaj?"

Again, just silence. Evi took it as a cue to stop asking questions and just comply with his demands, as in the end, he was one of the people who COULD order her around as per the terms.

And what discussions went on between him and the other 'supervisors' wasn't all that important to her.

Evi thus took off on feet, carrying just her Akshaya Patra and a bunch of clothes, to Khandavprastha at the dead of night.

Dusshala and Dussashan saw her leave from the balcony, shivers travelling down their spine at the thought of their Jyesth's possible reaction to this.

"He wouldn't kill us... right?" Dussashan chuckled nervously.

"He won't..." Dusshala sighed, "but Mamashree can"

The morning was exactly how the brother-sister duo imagined.

"WHERE IS EVI!?" Duryodhan barged into the common room where Yudhishthir was discussing something with other officials.

"Can you excuse us for a few more minutes Duryodhan? The meeting is almost over-"

"YOU BET I WON'T LET YOU GET OUT OF HERE IN ONE PIECE IF YOU DON'T ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!" Duryodhan went over towards the meeting table and slammed down his hand against it, making everything fall onto the ground.

Yudhishthir took in a deep breath of frustration and massaged his temples. "I am sorry sires, but it seems my brother has something very important to discuss with me. Can you please give us a minute? The maids will show you the guest room"

Yudhishthir's calm voice irked Duryodhan even more.

"Now Duryodhan I suppose you-"

"WHERE DID YOU SEND HER?" Duryodhan shouted, almost controlling his balled fist.

"I sent her to my brothers"


"To save her from your Mamashree's tactics"

Duryodhan froze. "You-you know?"

"Not exactly, but I have been informed that Gandharraj is planning on using Devika. The most basic precaution we can take is to send her away from here atleast"

"Oh so you don't know about Drau-" Duryodhan stopped himself midway.


"Nothing. But how did you come to know his plans? Do you have an informer? I don't think Pitamah would appreciate you having a spy among your cousins" Duryodhan changed the subject, as always.

"You should worry about your own people turning their backs on you, Duryodhan" Yudhishthir retorted, calmly.

" Don't you dare point fingers at 'my people' Yudhishthir" Duryodhan threatened, dropping the honorifics. It was always a sign, that Duryodhan was on the verge on letting his anger take over him. " They are way more loyal to me that your brothers are to you"

"You know I don't lie" Yudhishthir said, while gently pushing Duryodhan further from him, "and I hope you know, I am doing all of this reluctantly. Devika is not someone I want to be with my brothers. Everytime she has been around us, trouble has followed".

"Oh yea, as if before her you all were living your BEST LIVES!?" Duryodhan scoffed, suddenly realising that their troubles were created by none other than himself.

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