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Evi couldn't believe that the person lying in front of her was the same person who invoked the Brahmastra to kill her.

She looked at the old, lanky man in front of her, then raised her eyes to look at the Pandavas standing at the bedside. Her eyes were speaking for itself, as she wondered " This is... NOT who I think it is... Right?"

The two Kauravas entered and greeted their Pitamah, who raised his hands weakly to bless them.

Evi's face was distorted with confusion and bewilderment, as she saw Bhishma trying his hardest to get up and sit straight on his bed, while two maids supported him.

" Judging by your expression, I assume you still don't know what had happened" Bhishma said in a low tone.

"I- I - I don't-" Evi scrambled for the right thing to say. "Mahamahim Bhishma, I am really sor-"

"Stop" Bhishma put up his hand.

Evi stiffened at her place as her gaze lowered in shame and guilt. Mentally cursing herself for creating such a mess, she almost couldn't help but feel nauseated again.

" I no longer go by that name Lady Devika. I have lost my rights to it" Bhishma said.

Evi looked up to him, still holding the same expression. As a few seconds pass by, Evi decided that an apology should always come first, as she could always get the information of what had happened from someone else.

" I still am guilty for all the chaos that happened. I let my own problems seep into the Kuru family and in a moment of weakness, made you the bearer of all the consequences. I know my actions are unforgivable, and I have created irreversible damage to this kingdom, but I am ready to go through any kind of punishment that the elders and the King see fit. I don't know how I will ever be able to apologise to YOU specially Mahamahim, but if there is any punishment you personally want to give, I will obey it".

The Pandavas and the two Kauravas shifted in their place as they awaited their Pitamah's reply, but instead he just let out a tired sigh.

" I know you are feeling guilty. And I accept your apology. However, there is something I need to make sure" Mahamahim said in a grave tone. "The illusion you made me watch..... Was it a premonition of what is going to happen?"

Evi was again at a crossroad. She wanted to say no, but there wasn't anything that would completely assure that the war wouldn't happen. Yes, Draupadi wasn't married to the Pandavas, but in the greater picture, she wasn't the only factor that led to the war.

" It wasn't a premonition" Evi spoke. "I would never lead them to destruction... not consciously atleast"

The Princes stiffened at their places. "What is she saying!?" , each one of them thought aloud. Their faces were clearly giving away the mental gymnastics that was going through their head, but they decided to control themselves. Because one thing that their Pitamah had ordered them to do before Evi entered the room was to "treat her as you would treat an elder".

" Should I take your word on that?" Mahamahim said.

"Yes sir. I promise."

Evi soon walked out of the room, but before she could wait for the Pandavas, she was dragged to her chamber by Parvati.

"What are you doing!?" Evi exclaimed at Parvati's behaviour. But soon her lips zipped as she saw Shiva, holding an agonised expression, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Here" Parvati tossed Evi's arm to her, " take out every bit of the power he had to absorb"

Evi nodded her head but was actually shivering at the sight of Shiva. She couldn't believe how much stress she had been in, as it was enough to cloud her judgement and give her enough rage to go against THE GOD of destruction. She warily sat beside Shiva, who seemed to be on the verge of unleashing his anger on her, and started the procedure.

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