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" Has she really left?" Arjun asked Sahadev, while holding captive Mayasur.

" Yes... that's what the letter says" Sahadev sighed. " It's good though. She's repairing her image by helping out Agni dev"

" Why would Mahadev care though?" Bheem asked, " I thought he hated her"

" Mahadev doesn't hate her Bheem" Yudhisthir replied, " probably just annoyed"

" Like you?" Nakul snickered, getting a light slap from Sahadev.

" I wouldn't dare compare myself to Mahadeva" Yudhisthir replied seriously, " plus, I am quite sure my annoyance towards her is only a few levels short of being called as Hatred"

" But why?" Nakul asked again, " why do you hate her?"

" Is that even a question?" Bheem scoffed, " she's the reason why Pitamah and Bhabhishree are suffering"

" I understand..." Nakul mumbled, " but I cannot help but wonder that we all got into this mess by ourselves. Pitamah lost his powers because of the promise he made to Mahadeva.... Bhabishree herself interjected the fight.... Yes, Devika started it... but we were the ones who let ourselves be entangled in it"

The group stayed silent as they let the words resonate among themselves. 

" I know why I feel this hatred towards her...." Yudhisthir spoke after a few moments.

The whole group shifted their focus to him, as he narrated how he had met Ved Vyas, and what he got to know from him.

" Maharishi Ved Vyas told me... Evi's unyielding nature.... her defiance to death has enraged Lord Yama... Just like Agnidev. And his frustration is trickling down to me...and Kakashree Vidur. That's why we have developed such disgust towards her"

" But..." Arjun interjected, " then why isn't it same for Panchali? Why does she love her then?"

" I don't know for sure.... but Maharishi said that hatred and love aren't mutually opposite. Draupadi.... hates Evi... but loves her too. If I had to analyse, I would say, Draupadi hates how Evi doesn't accept her as a romantic partner, but also loves her, because she cares for her like no other"

" And what about Bhrata Bheem?" Nakul interrupted, " why does HE hate Devika then?"

" He probably hates seeing someone as strong as him around" Arjun joked.

" HEY!" Bheem pulled the two into a deadly headlock and didn't budge until the two apologised.

Sahadev stayed mum as he tried to make sense of Yudhisthir's information, after which he said, " we need to put these thought on hold for now, Jyesth. Let's focus on building the kingdom. Devika has left us with another help" he looked at Mayasur, " let's not waste it"

" I agree" Yudhisthir approached Mayasur who stood there, head bowed and hands joined.

" Pranipaat Dharmraj Yudhisthir" he whimpered.

" Pranipaat" Yudhisthir returned the gesture, " how long will it take to form the palace and the roads?"

" Depends on the design Dharmraj" Mayasur replied, " you all can pitch in your ideas"

Yudhisthir looked at his brothers and nodded to start with their ideas. " I should call her here too..." Yudhishthir sighed as he looked above at the clouds, serenity washing over him. " Atlast, we will be able to breath"



" FATHER PLEASE!" Dristhdyumn pleaded, " SHE'S THE ONE WHO SAVED ME!"

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