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From behind the bushes, Rudra watched the woman, almost same age as him, dancing alone in a weird position. She had her arms stretched in front of her, and was going round and round in circles, with no music on, with her eyes closed. 

Rudra's eyes widened, as if he had a deja vu moment. He had done the same, in his room with his eyes closed, going around in circles, his hands stretched in front of his waist. 

" Waltz...." he remembered from his dreams, someone teaching him the dance. 

The woman stopped abruptly, as she could feel a gaze on her.

" Its immoral to gawk at an unsuspecting person" she spoke, curtly while trying to compose herself to a more 'ladylike' posture.

" Oh.. umm" Rudra looked at himself. He quickly let down the 'pallu' of his saree and tucked it in his dhoti, and came out of the bushes. " I was just... taken aback by the dance you were doing"

" Dance?" The woman asked, " I was right then"

" Excuse me?" Rudra approached the girl when she didn't show any kind of discomfort.

" I used to do this since I was a child. For some reason..I remember being taught this by a bulky lady..... but no one in my family remembers this. When I asked what the dance form was, they said that such a thing doesn't exist!" The girl pouted.

" Oh the same happened with me!" Rudra exclaimed, " when I was around five, I atlast asked everyone around me where I could learn Waltz professionally as I really love dancing and singing, but they told me such a thing doesn't exist. Except my father, he said ' it doesn't exist YET'.... I mean he says a lot of confusing things but it sounded very weird"

" Waltz.... that's the name? Well, Aryavart doesn't have a dance form like that" the girl replied.

" Oh are you a dance enthusiast? So am I! I even have a group-"

" Ah no no, you are mistaken. I just like knowing about things" the girl answered, " I am Shivi by the way... and you are?"

" Oh I am Rudra!" Rudra smiled, " Shivi... wait are you the Princess of Panchal?"

" Yes!" Shivi replied cheerfully.

" My uncles and father were very close to Panchal" Rudra informed out of the blue.

" Your uncles and father? Who are you-"

" RUDRA!" Anant screamed in horror as he locked his sight on Rudra after frantically searching for him , " I THOUGHT YOU GOT LOST!"

" Wow, calm down Anant, its alright!" Rudra replied as the two snapped their heads at Anant.

 Anant looked at the girl, as his eyes narrowed in suspicion, " who are you lady?", he elbowed his friend, "why did you call me by my actual name in front of a stranger-"

" She's SHIVI! You know, princess of Panchal!" Rudra squeaked in happiness as he introduced the two, " and that's Anant-"


" OH MY GOD!" Shivi exclaimed, " You are Vasudev Krishna's eldest son Rudra!" she looked him up and down. She had noticed him wearing a saree weirdly, and having makeup on his face, but with his identity known, she was now completely comprehending the situation, " you two are.... undercover?"

" Yes we are-"

" STOP RUDRA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Anant wanted to stop Rudra from giving up any more information.

" What? She's Panchal princess, what can go wrong?"

" EVERYTHING!" Both Shivi and Anant exclaimed, much to Rudra's shock.

WEAPON OF GOD :: Mahabharatजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें