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After a silent awkward dinner, everyone was anxious for the next day's ruling. Evi knew what to say to convince Bhishma, but a big factor had now changed. In the original Mahabharata, it was Draupadi, whose innocence makes Bhishma melt. But here, when his own arc enemy stands against him, what was he supposed to do other than oppose the reverse polygamy?

Evi woke up at 5 am, or so her own clock read. There were no clocks in that time, and Evi hated every second of it (pun intended twice). She looked towards her bed, which Draupadi was supposed to be hogging, but found it empty.

Survival instincts kicked in and she frantically looked around for Draupadi.

"Where the fuck did she go? Shit, did she get kidnapped?" Evi shot up from the couch and went outside to ask a guard, who told her that Draupadi had gone to Shikhandini's room a few minutes ago.

Evi rushed through the corridors to enter Shikhandini's room, which would obviously did not have Yudhishthir in it, although it was supposed to. She walked in to find Shikhandini dressing up for the new day and cleared her throat,

"Ah Evi you're awake!"

"Yea. Good morning. Where Draupadi?" Evi huffed.

"Oh? Why do you care" Shikhandini wiggled her eyes a bit making Evi sport a disgusted look.

"Ugh god Shikha, just tell me"

"Ok ok. She came here to ask me about what happened yesterday at dinner then left, saying she will do something about the court session today"

"And you LET HER GO?"

"Well... There's nothing she CAN do right? She doesn't even know people here, except those two Kauravas and possibly Angraj"

" Ugh, no. She has gone to meet Bhishm"

"WHAT!?" Shikhandini whipped her head towards Evi with a perplexed look. "How do you know?"

"She told me she would try to shield you. There's no one else I can guess from whom you would need shielding from" Evi replied.

"Well... Devavrat won't hurt her, but we got to stop her. Who knows what problems she is going to get herself in"

Both the women rushed towards the banks of Ganga, although muffling their voices and footsteps once they started hearing the conversation between Bhishma and Draupadi.

From behind a few bushes, they eavesdropped, while crouching down like six year olds.

" Then pitamah show my sister and the Pandavas a way out of this Dharm Sankat! Isn't that the duty of elders?" Draupadi pleaded.

" The only way I can show for them is the way of Yamraj Putri" Bhishma answered.

" That Prick-" Evi cursed but Shikhandini shushed her. The last thing she wanted was to get caught in a situation like this.

"But what's the point of getting pure AFTER death Pitamah?"

" You're now arguing with me Rajkumari" Bhishma's voice was giving away his annoyance.

" Pitamah, I apologise for my forward attitude, but this marriage was agreed onto by Maharishi Ved Vyas. My sister, she tried her best to keep the five brothers together while shielding me from that pain. I know, I can tell, it would have happened with me if Rajkumar Arjun had completed the task. At the end, it was prophecised for me to live a cruel life, to live an unfulfilled life with misery. But my sister shielded me from one such misery, and now she's facing its consequences. Her life, it has always been cruel to her, but she has ALWAYS tried to think about others. She doesn't even know the Pandavas, but she still bet her dignity for their welfare. Please Pitamah, look at the marriage from her perspective"

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