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I must have done something great in my past life", Evi breathed as the cool air brushed past her skin, "to be able to witness nature's beauty like this while riding my husband"

"My queen, please keep your hands to yourself or else I will lose balance" Hridasura huffed as sweat dripped off from his face.

After Evi had gotten a positive answer from Hridasura about Kailash's location, she asked him to lead the way. But Hridasura only knew the 'air' pathway, as the knowledge was passed through generations since their clan got the boon from Mahadev. It wasn't something he was taught, but something that was wired into him.

As Evi's hand that included the special shoes/thrusters for flying was with the 'Kuru royals', Hridasura offered to give her a ride. Which he regretted as soon as Evi mounted him.

"You can let me down Hriday, I have excellent vision. I will be able to spot you from even 1000 kilometre up in sky"

"This isn't something like that my Queen, its very.... Spiritual? The ground path is for humans, and the obstacles you face is tuned in that way. In air, we have different obstacles, such which I know the solution of. I cannot lead you on ground. For that you'll need to ask Brahmins or-"

"Ok ok, stop" Evi wasn't at all in the mood for a lecture. "You are allowed to take rest though right?"

"We were taught the way from the skies. Once we land to take rest, other problems may arise"

" I have no choice then" Evi huffed and closed her eyes.

"What are you going to do My queen?"

" Locating my arm. Those idiots don't know I don't need my arm with me to use it. Obviously I need to check if right now the arm is in a position to be used. If the arm is-... Wait... What is up with the interface?"

"I don't think you should be doing such things....... Kailash is protected by some God's magic"

"Its just magnetic field Hriday" Evi huffed but knew it was all in vain. The frequencies were not matching so Evi decided to leave the matter. "Just land now, I can sense your spine almost breaking under my weight.... We can resume in a few hours"

Hridasura complied, as he too was under excruciating pain. The duo decided to take rest, as Evi volunteered to keep guard. "Just... Don't wander off...... Who knows what we'll have to face on land" Hridasura said before dozing off.


My Queen..


My Queen... I betrayed you... I am sorry....

No...what are you saying? And why is it so dark here?

I couldn't stay away from the humans..... I couldn't stop myself from meddling.... I have let you down....

I...It's ok Hrida.... why are you apologising? As long as you're safe...

I am sorry, my Queen... I couldn't stay alive for you.... maybe in my next life, I will stay beside you forever...



Evi jerked up from the nightmare, sweating profusely, her heart almost thumping at her ribs. "What was that? A nightmare?... Where's he? Where's Hriday?" she looked around frantically when she couldn't find her sleeping husband. " HRIDAY!!! WHERE ARE YOU? HRIDAYYY!!!!"

" I am here my queen!" Hridasura shouted back in worry as he saw his wife panicking out of nowhere.

" WHERE THE FUCK were you?"

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