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Evi waited for Draupadi at the exit of the palace. For some reason, she was supposed to be carried in a palki. The servants insisted on carry Evi too, so she had to give a practical reason as to why it was not possible. Even six servants together couldn't move the palki by one milimeter.

" Only people with extra powers can do it lol" Evi thought just when Draupadi's Palki was brought out.

" Aren't you going to walk Draupadi?" Evi asked as she peeked into the palki.

" I wanted to... but I am not allowed to" Draupadi pouted.

" Ah... let's see how much we can go on with this huge Palki" Evi sighed and led the group to the market. " So... how are you going to shop?" 

" I don't want to shop. I want to go to a forest" Draupadi stated.

" A forest? Why suddenly do you want to go to a forest?" Evi asked.

" Because! I want to see nature"

Evi scratched her head but decided to go with it. Either way, it was easier for them to enjoy in a forest with the big Palki than roaming around in narrow streets. Or so she believed.


Draupadi anxiously sat still in her palki. The battle ended in no time but still she couldn't shake off her discomfort. The rules were clear, she wasn't supposed to meet anyone of the suitors before the wedding day.

Just an hour had passed since the group had reached the forest, when they were ambushed by dacoits. Evi gave the orders, to stay put and not move as she created a barrier around the palki and the servants.

However, drama never stops. The infamous trio came out of no where to 'help' Evi. And because of too much bloodshed, Evi ordered the servants to run away or else they would have gotten stuck in crossfire. Evi took care of Draupadi as she let the three men kill the dacoits, which was previously not her plan. She wanted to just injure the dacoits, and then wait for the rest to flee, but as always, the trio brought trouble.

"Draupadi, are you okay?" Evi asked as she felt Draupadi was quietly sitting in her place. "You can come out now. We will walk back to the palace"

"She is not supposed to show her face to us before the swayamvar" Karna said as he continued wiping off the blood from his face.

"Right....." Evi said with a deadpanned face. 

"I told you to not let the servants run away" Dussashan shouted in frustration.

"If they were here, we would have gotten more body count" Evi too sneered back.

"So what should we do? Pick this up by ourselves?" Duryodhan joked.

"She can be your wife in a few days Duryodhan. The least you can do is help her now" Evi said making the trio whip their heads at her.

Draupadi's breath hitched. The last thing she wanted was to be wedded to Duryodhan.

"How will the three of us carry the palki?" Karna said, already getting ready.

"Three? Yea I guess Dussashan is too weak to carry it" Evi laughed even though she knew who Karna was excluding. The trio had been shooting confusing looks at her missing arm since they entered the scene.

" Aw come on. I am not that weak" Dussashan whined.

Evi let go of mocking Dussashan and went in front of the palki. "So me and Dussashan will hold the front two pillars and you two hold the ones at the back. Okay?"

Karna nodded and approached the palki but Duryodhan did not budge. Seeing his brother not moving an inch, Dussashan too stopped .

"What's the matter?" Evi asked.

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