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"Where is Kakashree Vidur?" Duryodhan asked one of the guards.

"He has left on a personal mission Rajkumar. He won't be back for four days atleast" the guard informed.

"Why do these people leave when I need them the most?" Duryodhan huffed and decided to talk to Evi by himself.

"But what am I going to say? That we are baiting her with Draupadi? That she might get hurt? I don't even know what Mamashree decides to do with Evi!" He took a U-turn to his room and started pacing frantically. Dussashan too joined him in a few seconds and sat down, eating yet again, with no worries in the world.

" Jyesth! Don't worry so much. All your hair is turning grey" Dussashan said as he munched on his apple.

" Shut up Dussashan. Unlike you, I actually have things to worry about" Duryodhan shouted.

" Do you mean Evi?" Dussashan glanced at his brother. " You haven't even talked to her properly since you got to know that she knew the Pandavas. Why do you care so much? Like... do you hate her or love her?"

" I need her, to be on my side. But I want her to come by her own volition"

" That's.... good right?" Dussashan quipped.

" But I know she won't. She knows, about everything Dussashan. She knows we tried to drown Bheem, she knows we were the ones behind the Varnavrat incident, and she hates us for it. She would NEVER... come to our side. So there's only one way"

Dussashan inched towards his brother who held an melancholy frown on his face.

" We need to separate her from the Pandavas, absolutely make them loathe each other. And finally, we need to seclude her. From everything, from everyone. Once she's lonely, she will HAVE to find solace in me. There wouldn't be ANY soul to even heed to her. Only then will she come towards me by her own will"

" WHAT!?" Dussashan folded back. " Have you lost your mind Jyesth? Its EVI!! She's already suffering so much!"

" You should have seen how cozy she is with that demon" Duryodhan spat, his heart already growing cold with every passing second. Evi's feeble voice still rang in his ears. How excruciatingly he wanted her to be like that around him, how much he wanted to be the arms that held her. How much he wanted to show the Pandavas that he had won something THEY couldn't.

" That's her HUSBAND!" Dussashan stomped in front of Duryodhan, " Jyesth, please. Try to think calmly. Don't hurt the only outsider who supports you. She loves you, Jyesth. Maybe not romantically, but she does care for you. She loves us. Not the Pandavas. Please, let her be. I beg you"

" You have grown so much audacity that you dare to oppose me?" Duryodhan growled as he threateningly walked towards his younger brother. Dussashan cowered at the shadow of his Jyesth, who was not only more strong, but also unmovingly dedicated to his goals.

" Jyesth please... I.. I just don't want to see her getting hurt again"

" I don't either" Duryodhan backed off and sat on his bed, " which is exactly why I am doing this"

Dussashan stood in his place, frozen, as he saw his brother's descent into madness. Just a few days ago he was frantically trying to come up with an escape plan for Evi, and now he was trying to cage her.

He shifted in his place, just when he saw a flicker of pink in at the corner of his eye. The kind of pink, he knew, only one woman in the household wore. He slowly moved out of the room and sighed, as he saw his sister running down the hallway in fear of what she had just overheard.

He dashed too, and got a firm grip on Dusshala's arm, stopping her abruptly and almost making her fall.

" LEAVE ME ALONE!" Dusshala screamed as she scratched at her brother's grip.

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