Chapter 6: "Did I fail?"

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Honestly, I just wanted to disappear, my friends were going overboard with the jokes, I had a crush on my algebra teacher who is in a relationship and doesn’t have any feelings for me and my parents are constantly fighting and taking their anger out on me.

These two and a half weeks were an absolute nightmare and I felt completely drained.

On Sunday night, my father came home drunk and that caused my mum to yell at him, they started arguing about a bunch of shit and then the conversation turned to me.

I could hear them blaming each other about how I turned out to be and the yelling was so loud not even the headphones could block it. I couldn’t study and I couldn’t sleep, that has been going on for a while now and it was starting to affect my performance in school.

After two hours of them arguing I heard something break, I run in the kitchen and my dad was throwing stuff around. He was furious.

My dad had gotten violent with me before but never in front of my mum. She didn’t seem to be afraid of him, she kept mocking him and the way he was acting in front of his face, until he lifted his hand and slapped her. She pushed him away and I jumped in front of her.

-“Stop dad, please don’t hurt her, please stop” I begged and tears were streaming down my cheeks. That seemed to knock some sense in him.

He smashed a vase that was onto the kitchen table behind him and the pieces of glass flew everywhere.

-“Fuck off, both of you” He said and left.

-“Monkey go to your room” My mum said and I nodded. I went in my room and I couldn’t stop crying, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t calm down.

I spent all night crying, I only managed to somehow calm down at around six thirty. I washed my face and put on some makeup to cover up the fact that I was crying. I wore sweatpants and a hoodie and walked to school. I felt like breaking down again, but I knew I had to keep it together.

I managed to pay attention to my classes because the last I wanted was to fail. I went to Algebra and satint my usual seat. At this point, I was completely exhausted mentally and physically.

-“Class, I hope you all studied for today’s test” She said and I internally growled. How could I forget about it?

She passed the tests and I was only able to answer three out of the ten questions. I handed her the test after fifteen minutes and she eyed me curiously. I went back to my seat and seat and she started correcting it. For the rest of the class, I could feel her eyes on me, but I didn’t look up. The bell rang and I packed my things to leave.

-“Ms. Green, can you stay? I want to talk to you about your grade” She said in a stern teacher voice and I sat back down. The class emptied and she sat on top of her desk.

-“Emma, you didn’t do well on the test”

-“I know” I mumbled

-“Do you not care?” She sounded annoyed and slightly mad.

-“Did I fail?” I asked shrugging.

-“Yes” I let out a sigh and dropped my head in my hands. “Is something bothering you?” I didn’t answer.

I was trying to stay calm and not break down in front of her.

-“Emma, you can talk to me if there’s something wrong” Her tone was softer

-“I’m so tired” I let a few tears escape my eyes

-“Why? What’s wrong?”

-“I…my parents are constantly fighting and things at home are hard, yesterday my dad came home drunk and he started throwing stuff around and… and”

I couldn’t keep it in anymore, I broke down crying. She sat on the chair next to me and hugged me. I felt my skin burning under her touch.

-“He… he slapped my mum, and I jumped in front of her”

-“Did he hurt you?” She asked worried and I shook my head no.

-“I got so scared, I’ve never seen him so mad before.” I sobbed in her hug.

-“Emma, I’m so sorry, I wish I could help, but I don’t think there’s anything I can do.”

-“I know” She hugged me tighter and I felt myself calming down.

-“I will let you retake the test, and I’ll help you study for it”

-“You don’t have to”

-“I know, but I want to, how about we meet after school in my classroom for a tutoring session, one hour every day for the rest of the week”

-“Ok, thank you” She nodded and handed me a tissue. I wiped my tears, but I knew my makeup had gotten all messed up.

-“Here” She said giving me a wet baby wipe. I took my makeup off and looked at her. “Yes, I always carry them with me, don’t look at me like that” I gave her a small smile. “Oop here it is” She said and I rolled my eyes. “So, why were you avoiding me?”

-“Uhm, I uh…” What the fuck am I supposed to say to that. “I don’t know” She raised her eyebrows and I shrugged. She sighed and let it go. “So, you missed me?” I teased her to change the subject

-“Yeah, I missed you” She admitted surprising me and I felt myself blushing.


We sat in silence, more than half of the lunch break had gone by.

-“I should go, you need to eat” I said and made a move to get up but she grabbed my wrist.

-“You don’t have to, you can stay if you want. I wasn’t planning on eating anyway”

-“Are you sure?” She nodded smiling and I smiled back. I sat back down and we made small talk.

-“So, how are things going with your girlfriend?” I asked playfully and her expression shifted into something more serious.

-“I…uhm… things are kind of rough at the moment” She said looking down.

-“Oh, I’m sorry” I said and she shrugged.

-“It’s whatever.” The bell rang interrupting us and I left my class. The other two classes passed painfully slow and I couldn’t wait for my tutoring session with Ms. Miller.

She went full teacher mode on me and helped me understand everything.

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I'm sorry Ms. MillerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα