Chapter 13: "The kiss"

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I woke up to sunlight peaking through the curtains, it took me a minute to realize where I was, I looked next to me, but the bed was empty. I made a move to get up but I cried in pain and laid back down.

-"You are up" She gave me a small smile and I nodded.

-"Everything hurts"

-"I know, I've been there before, I'll bring you some ibuprofen and ice"

She came back and handed me the pill and a glass of water, I took and she gently placed the ice onto my face and I twitched in pain. She sat next to me on the bed.

-"Did you sleep in the bed?"

-"You were clung onto me, there was no way of moving without waking you up" She smiled.

-"Yeah.. sorry about that"

-"You need to stop apologizing" I nodded.

-"So, was Christmas as awful as you expected?" I joked and she shook her head no.

-"Actually, it wasn't that bad. I started working out and worked on myself as well."

-"Oh that's great, well, mine were depressing but they didn't suck, so that's something" I smiled and her eyes shined.

-"You have one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen" I blushed and looked away.

-"Thank you, I thought the same about you" she came closer and we locked eyes, her breathing became heavier and I could tell she was having a hard time holding herself back.

I leaned closer and our foreheads touched.

-"We shouldn't" I mumbled, but neither of us moved away.

-"We really shouldn't" She said and cupped my cheek and kissed me.

I felt butterflies erupting in my stomach and a wave of joy took over me, it was like I had just satisfied a longing hunger. I was hungry for her, her touch, her lips, everything. She pulled away to breathe and I just couldn't stop looking at her, I wanted to say something but no words came out. She tasted like vanilla and I still felt her lips on mine, it felt like my brain had stopped working.

-"I..." "You..." she smiled at my loss of words "Uh..." "We..." She let out a small laugh.


-"I'm so confused"

-"I like you Emma" She said smiling

-"You do?"

-"Duh, I just kissed you" I chuckled

-"I'm sorry, you just caught me by surprise, I've been crushing on you for a while now but I wasn't sure if you felt the same way, I mean I could feel the tension but I wasn't sure if it was really there or if it was all in my brain and with this whole girlfriend situation I was sure that you wouldn't be open to it and then the moving, Oh god, are you still moving? Why would you kiss me if you are going to move away?"

I was rumbling and she cupped my cheek and kissed me again. I pulled away to breathe.

-"Calm down Emma" She smiled "I knew you liked me, I could tell from the way you were looking at me, and the tension was there, I felt it too. After that girlfriend incident I didn't think I would be able to be with another person, but for the past month I've been seeing a therapist daily and I've worked on myself. I still have a long way to go, but it's not how it used to be. And no, I'm not moving, I thought about it and realized that I shouldn't run away from my problems"

I hugged her as tightly as I could.

-"You are squeezing me" I pulled away and we were both smiling.

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now