Chapter 10: "At her house pt.2"

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The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee and food. I got up and stretched, I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair, and then went into the kitchen.

-“Good morning Emma”

-“Good morning Alexandra” She looked at me amused.

-“I made us breakfast, sit and I’ll serve you” I did as she said and she put a plate of pancakes with Nutella in front of me and a mug of coffee. She did the same for herself and sat next to me.

-“Thank you, but you didn’t have to get in so much trouble for me”

-“Don’t be stupid Emma, we both need to eat, plus I love cooking”

-“You do?”

-“Yes” We ate in silence I helped her put the dishes in the sink and we went into the living room.

-“So, do you play?” I said pointing at the guitar and she nodded. “Wow, you are actually pretty cool for a high school teacher. Sorry, let me re-phrase it, for an algebra teacher”

-“I sense that you are not a big fan of the subject I’m teaching”

-“Nope, I used to hate it”

-“Used to?” She raised her eyebrows

-“Yes, used to, then a young cute teacher came and changed my mind”

-“Suck up”

-“I compliment you and you insult me, not so nice of you Alexandra”

-“I never claimed to be nice” She smirked, and I moved closer.

-“My bad then” I whispered and smirked back, she bit her bottom lip and her expression shifted.

She moved even closer and our faces were centimeters away.

-“You shouldn’t assume” She whispered back and it sent chills down my spine.

She gave me a devilish smirk and I thought my heart was going to explode, she made a move to pull away, but I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her, she looked at it and smirked again. She shook her head and laughed lightly. I move my hand away.

-“I-I’m sorry” I stuttered, at this point, I had turned as red as a tomato.

-“I thought you didn’t like older women”

-“I…I…Uh” I couldn’t find anything to say, it was like my brain had emptied she let out the cutest chuckle and I kept looking at her with my mouth half open. She put her hand under my chin and closed my mouth.

-“Baby gay” She winked

-“I’m not” I exclaimed.

-“Your reaction says otherwise” She teased me and I pouted. “You are cute” I felt myself blushing.

-“Thanks” I shrugged trying to play it cool “So, back to the guitar, will you play something for me?” I gave her my best puppy eyes.

-“I’ll try, but I’m not sure if I can” She raised her hand.

-“It’s ok, you don’t have to”

She got the guitar and sat back down and placed it on her legs. She started playing and I couldn’t stop looking at her. She was biting her bottom lip and slightly moving her head to the rhythm. She was really good, she sounded like a professional. She stopped and looked at me smiling.

-“That was amazing”


-“You sounded like a professional”

-“I’ve been playing since I was nine”

-“That explains why” I chuckled and she nodded. I looked at my phone and it was getting late, I should go home and leave the poor woman alone.  “So, uhm, I think it’s time for me to get going”

-“Are you going to be ok at your house?” She asked worried.

-“I think so, they usually fight at night” She let out a sigh

-“Sucks that you have to deal with it”

-“I’m used to it, it’s been happening for years, but this year it seems to be getting worse, it’s the first time my dad got physical with my mum”

-“Is he a violent person?”

-“Yes, especially when he’s drunk”

-“Has he ever… hit you?”

-“I’ve gotten my fair share of slaps, and a punch or two” I shrugged and she looked at me wide-eyed

-“You are kidding right?”


-“And how can you say it like that, like it’s not a big deal?”

-“What else can I do? I’ve made my peace with it, my dad is an awful person and there’s nothing I can do about it”

-“Shit” I shrugged and got up to get my clothes but they were still wet, thankfully my headphones survived the rain.

-“So, uhm, I have an issue”


-“My clothes are still wet”

-“You can leave in mine, I don’t mind” She smiled “Let me get you a bag” She left and came back with a plastic bag for my clothes. She helped me shove them in and her eyes fell on my bra, she tried to hide a smile and looked at me.

-“Don’t” I warned her and she snickered. “What are you, five?” She smiled.

-“I like to think I’m an eight”

-“Nah, I think you are a ten, but you act like a five” She shook her head amused.

-“Come on, I’ll give you a ride”

-“Oh, thanks” We got in the car and she dropped me off at my house.

-“See you tomorrow Emma”

-“See you Alexandra”

I went immediately to my room and did my homework. After I lay in bed and couldn’t stop thinking about Alexandra. Oh god, it was so weird calling her by her name, and the way she flirted with me… she’s really driving me crazy. Maybe I should find someone else to flirt with, maybe that will help me get over this stupid crash. I managed to fall asleep.

On Monday my classes went by smoothly, it wasn’t too boring.

Ms. Miller was back to her old cheery self, at least that’s what she showed in class. I hope she finds the strength to get over it and move on.

For the rest of the week, nothing interesting happened, and neither did the next week.

My parents weren’t speaking to each other and my dad had moved from sleeping with my mum to sleeping on the couch, plus he went out drinking every single day. One day he tried talking to me while he was drunk but I ignored him and he slapped me. I guess that’s his way of showing how manly he is, by going around slapping little girls and women, I wish I had the strength to tell him that, but I don’t want to die yet.

I told Rachel and Marcus about my parents and they have been helping me deal with all this stress.

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