Chapter 36: "Use your brain"

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I stayed with my mum for the rest of the week, because Sofia was leaving on Saturday and they wanted to spend time together.

Since school was ending, the teachers stopped assigning homework and just made us revise things, which meant that I had a lot of free time.

I started a new book and I went out with my friends almost every day. On Friday we decided to go to Diego’s after school and afterward we would be going clubbing, AGAIN. I didn’t really want to go clubbing, but they bugged me until I said yes. Peer pressure at its finest.

Rachel drove us to Diego’s and we ordered, it was too hot out so I ordered a cookies milkshake, while my friends got coffee, I also ordered a sandwich because I was starving.

-“So, are you guys excited about college?”

-“Omg yes” Rachel exclaimed

-“Meh, I guess”

-“Bro, why aren’t you more pumped?”

-“I’m going to miss you guys” He confessed

-“Oh yeah, I haven’t thought of that, we will all be in different cities”

-“So? We can video chat, plus we can spend the holidays together, come on, you should be excited” I told them and they nodded.

-“You are right.”

-“Hello guys, Rachel” Sofia said as she approached our table

-“Oh heyy, Sofia, how are you?” Rachel said in a soft tone and Marcus and I giggled.

-“I’m ok, just a bit sad that I’m leaving tomorrow”

-“You are leaving tomorrow?” Marcus asked

-“Yes, I have to go back to Italy, I can’t take more time off from my job” “Alex told me you are going to the closet tonight, would you mind if we tagged along?”

-“No, of course not” She replied excited and I shook my head.

Alex approached us holding two coffees, she handed one to Sofia and smiled at us. She was wearing a pair of knee-length light blue shorts, a white baggy t-shirt and white air force. She looked really cute.


-“Hello Ms. Miller” We replied and she struggled keeping a straight face she winked at me and took my milkshake and took a sip.

-“How are you doing?” She asked us placing my glass back on the table, ignoring me looking at her.

-“We are fine, we were talking about college”

-“Are you excited?” We shrugged “You should be, it’s a unique experience, you’ll learn a lot of things, you’ll meet new people and you’ll have fun”

-“I guess” Marcus mumbled

-“Anyway, we have to go, I’ll see you on Monday” She winked at me and turned around to leave.

-“Rach, I’ll text you” Sofia said and followed Alex outside. I sank into my seat and groaned.

-“She’s so hot” I mumbled and my friends chuckled. “So, Rach” I said sitting up. “You and Sofia…”

-“What?” She shrugged

-“Are you going out with her?” Marcus asked

-“No, I’m not”

-“Oh come on Rach, you can tell us” I told her.

-“We are not going out, I just met her, she’s just being friendly”

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now